> I'm also an on-duty bug squadder, and I am running OSX. I have a
> question, where is nonexistentVoice defined?
It's not. I am able to reproduce (what appears to be) the same crash
with a perfectly valid lilypond source file in which every voice is
defined, but the culture of lilypond (contrary
Neil Puttock gmail.com> writes:
> Here's a minimal snippet:
> \version "2.12.3"
> <<
> \new Voice = melody { c4 c8 }
> \new Voice = tenorVerses { c2 }
> \context Lyrics = foo \lyricsto dummy {
> la
> }
> \context Lyrics = foo \lyricsto melody {
> la __
> }
> >>
Nice! Tha
> I don't know if it helps, but using the development version there is no
> segmentation fault.
It might help me if I run into the problem and am not able to work around it in
2.12.3; thanks!
You might also want to check whether this bug was actually fixed in 2.13 or
hidden by accident. Ev
James Bailey googlemail.com> writes:
> Okay, in just scanning the file, I was a bit concerned about that.
> I think actually a smaller example would be
> better. If you can pare this down just a bit, I'll be happy to add
> it to the tracker.
Of course a smaller example would be nice, but I alrea
Ralph Palmer gmail.com> writes:
> As today's assigned Bug Squad member, I would check this and, if confirmed,
> add it as an issue. However, I have no access to the OS X operating system.
> Could someone else on the Bug Squad please check it?
The problem is not OS X-specific. I just checked on li
> I am not top-posting.
Sorry I'm not able to make the source file below any shorter; it seems like if I
take anything out, the bug doesn't manifest.
$ /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/lilypond bug3.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.12.3
Processing `bug3.ly'
Interpreting music... [8]S