> I am not top-posting.

Sorry I'm not able to make the source file below any shorter; it seems like if I
take anything out, the bug doesn't manifest.

$ /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin/lilypond bug3.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.12.3
Processing `bug3.ly'
Interpreting music... [8]Segmentation fault

---------------- bug3.ly -------------------

sopranoVerseTwoHarmony = \relative c' {
  r2 e8 dis e gis~ |
  gis8 gis8~ gis8 fis8~ fis e8 e e~ |
  e4 r4. fis8 e dis~ |
  dis4 r2. |
  r2 e8 dis e gis~ |
  gis4 gis8 fis8~ fis e~ e e~ |
  e4 r4. fis8 e dis~ |
  dis4 r4. gis8 fis e |

tenorVerses = \relative c' {
  fis,4 fis fis fis | fis fis gis gis |
  b1~ | b |
  fis | cis'2. \breathe fis,4(\glissando |
  b1~) | b |

verseTwoPartTwoWords = \lyricmode {
  May -- be you won -- der where you are, I don't care
  Here is where time is on our side, Take you there, Take you there __

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Lyrics = sopranoverselyrics { }
    \new Voice = sopranoVerseTwoHarmony \sopranoVerseTwoHarmony
    \new Voice = tenorVerses \tenorVerses

    \context Lyrics = sopranoverselyrics \lyricsto nonexistentVoice
    \context Lyrics = sopranoverselyrics \lyricsto sopranoVerseTwoHarmony

\version "2.12.3"

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