altogether and then reset
to 0."
I would think that once the timing is reset to 0, as \cadenzaOn does,
it should automatically insert a barline at that point and treat the
subsequent material as a new measure (thus avoiding problems with
I really think this is a design flaw.
tal cancellation here?
> }
> %%%
> -David
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
Neil Thornock, D.M.
No Stopping, Standing, or Parking:
hould also stay.
>> If this is ok, can someone add this in a next Lilypond release ?
> Added as
> --
> --
> James
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
> lilypond
> I'm not top posting.
When converting a Finale file that includes measures with 5/4 time signature
with whole rests, the rest gets converted with a duration of R1.. rather than
R1*5/4 or R4*5.
bug-lilypond mailing list
%%After the line break, the horizontal space of the rehearsal mark suppresses
the hairpin
\version "2.12.1"
\paper {ragged-right = ##t}
\new Score { c'\< c' c' c' \break \mark \markup {"really really long markup"} c'
c' c' c' c'\! }
> i'm not top posting!!
When the following is run on v. 2.11.45, the accidental after the barline is
shifted to the left as if to account for the accidental tied into the measure.
The work-around is to temporarily shift to accidental style 'no-reset.
\version "2.11.45"
\paper{ ragged-