Mats Bengtsson> writes:
> The solution was to Right click on My Computer, select Properties ->
> Advanced -> Environment Variables, edit the System variable PATH
> and move C:\Program Files\LilyPond\usr\bin; to the end of the list.
> Then, the PATH worked correctly.
Ok, movin
I have seen this also but only when I select some instrument that do not
play for the same period of time which is not the case for the complete
score. So I do not think it is a bug.
The following is a bug I noticed several versions ago (whatever 2.7 version
I m
The following is a bug I noticed several versions ago (whatever 2.7 version
I moved to from 2.6), but neglected to bring it up because I was in my lull
phase of lilypond activity, measured as a sinusoidal curve. This message is
to identify whether other people have the problem; when I return to my