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I tried this workaround to get the fingering instruction placed next to
the note... I attached the error message and my input file.
"Who the $&%*! is General Failure --
and why is he reading my hard disk??"
Christoph Lange, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.cul.de/home/yaph/, ICQ #51191
> There's at least one serious bug left in 2.2.2, namely that
> lilypond-book doesn't work correctly on LaTeX documents when
> run in Cygwin.
That's a surprise! I was wondering why I had to set the linewidth manually
in all my lilypond fragments.
If it gets fixed I will soon make a 2.2.2-2 v
0nline Doct0rs!
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There's at least one serious bug left in 2.2.2, namely that
lilypond-book doesn't work correctly on LaTeX documents when
run in Cygwin.
What happens is that lilypond-book copies the header of the LaTeX file
and adds a small dummy body that is run through latex to figure out what
the line width is.
Heath Lloyd,@
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