I tried this workaround to get the fingering instruction placed next to
the note... I attached the error message and my input file.


"Who the $&%*! is General Failure --
 and why is he reading my hard disk??"
Christoph Lange, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.cul.de/home/yaph/, ICQ #51191833
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.0.0
Öffne Pipe `/usr/bin/lilypond-bin --version '
Öffne Pipe `kpsexpand \$TEXMF'
Öffne Pipe `kpsewhich -expand-path=\$T1FONTS'
Rufe `/usr/bin/lilypond-bin  -I /home/langec/music/arr -I /home/langec/music/arr -I 
/home/langec/music/arr -H dedication -H title -H subtitle -H subsubtitle -H footer -H 
head -H composer -H arranger -H instrument -H opus -H piece -H metre -H meter -H poet 
-H texttranslator -H textheight -H orientation -H language -H latexpackages -H 
papersize -H pagenumber -H latexheaders -H latexoptions -H linewidth -H unit --verbose 
oito-batutas-2.0' auf
lilypond_datadir: `/usr/share/lilypond'
local_lilypond_datadir: `/usr/share/lilypond/2.0.0'
localedir: `/usr/share/locale'

Bearbeite: `oito-batutas-2.0.ly'
 Musik...[8][16][24]lilypond-bin: lily-guile.cc:127: String 
ly_scm2string(scm_unused_struct*): Zusicherung »gh_string_p (s)« nicht erfüllt.
lilypond: Warnung: `usr' gescheitert (signal 6) (ignoriert)

lilypond: Fehler: LilyPond abgestürzt (Signal 6).
lilypond: Fehler: Bitte senden Sie einen Fehlerbericht an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond", line 844, in ?
    run_lilypond (files, dep_prefix)
  File "/usr/bin/lilypond", line 280, in run_lilypond
    ly.exit (status)
  File "/usr/share/lilypond/2.0.0/python/lilylib.py", line 130, in exit
    raise _ ('Exiting (%d)...') % i
Beende (6)...
Räume /tmp/tmpTbDOOulilypond auf...
\include "deutsch.ly"
\version "1.9.8"

\header {
  title = "Os Oito Batutas (Chôro)"
  composer = "Pixinguinha"
  arranger = "Jürgen Hübscher"
  instrument = "Bassgitarre"
  date = 1919
  crossRefNumber = "1"
  tagline = "Folge: AA BB A CC A"

\score {
  \notes {
    \property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'molecule-callback =
      #(make-molecule-boxer 0.15 0.3 0.3 brew-new-markup-molecule)

    \clef "violin_15"
    \key g \major
    \time 2/4

    \partial 16*3 r16 r8
    \relative c, {
        \bar "|:"
        \mark "A"
        g2 d' g,4 h8[ b] a4 d8.[ d16] dis4 h e e, a a d8 r8 d16[ dis e fis]
        g2 d g4 r16 fis[ e es] d8.[ d16] c8.[ c16] h8.[ h16] dis8.[ \f dis16]
        e8.[ e16] c8.[ c16] h8.[ h16] c8 d g,4 g 
        \bar ":|"
        \mark "B"
        \key d \major
        \bar "|:"
        a8[ \< cis] e[ g] fis4 \! \> dis e \! a,8[ \< h16 cis]
        d4 \! r16 cis[ \< h b]
        a8[ \! cis] e[ g] fis4 d8.[ d16] cis8.[ cis16] h8.[ h16]
        a8-. a-. a-. a-.
        \property Voice.fingeringOrientations = #'(left down)
        a4 <g-2^"II"> fis fis16[ g gis a] d4 c8 a
        g4-1^"III" \times 2/3 { g8[ gis a] }
        b4 g a h e, a d d
        \bar ":|"
        \mark "C"
        \key c \major
        \bar "|:"
        c' h a g fis f e c'8[ h16 a] g4 d'4 h a8[ g] fis4 fis, \f g g16[ a8 h16]
        c8.[ c16] h8.[ h16] a8.[ a16] g8.[ g16] fis4 g8[ a16 h]
        c8.[ c16] cis8.[ cis16] d8.[ d16] g,[ gis a h]
        c8.[ c16] a8.[ a16] d8.[ d16] g,8.[ g16] c8.[ c16] c8. r16
        \bar ":|"

  \paper {

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