[PATCH] fix Xioctl-proto.defs creation

2016-02-21 Thread Bartlomiej Puget
--- Hi, I had little problems generating Xioctl-proto.defs. After looking into the code and few little changes scripts has worked. Please, check my patch. If I was doing something wrong, please tell me, but I think that the script was the problem here: - in Xioctl-values.symc.o asterisk can be

Re: [PATCH] fix Xioctl-proto.defs creation

2016-02-22 Thread Bartlomiej Puget
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 14:26:27 +0100, Justus Winter wrote: > Can you briefly describe how to test that change? Simple test can be to create mioctl-headers.h mentioned in Makefile containing single line: #include and try to make mioctl-proto.defs. Without the patch, make will exit with errors.