
I had little problems generating Xioctl-proto.defs. After looking into
the code and few little changes scripts has worked.

Please, check my patch. If I was doing something wrong, please tell me,
but I think that the script was the problem here:

  - in Xioctl-values.symc.o asterisk can be preceded by spaces / tabs

  - when creating Xioctl-requests.list, last asterisk is not escaped

  - gensym.awk puts newlines after '__asm ("' what is interpreted as
    an error later


 hurd/Makefile   | 4 ++--
 hurd/gensym.awk | 6 +++---
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hurd/Makefile b/hurd/Makefile
index 4273ff3..2902d47 100644
--- a/hurd/Makefile
+++ b/hurd/Makefile
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ hurd.msgids: $(patsubst %.defs,%.msgids,$(filter 
 %.symc.o: %.symc
        $(CC) -S $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS-$@) -x c -o $@ $<
 %.h: %.symc.o
-       sed <$< -e 's/^[^*].*$$//' | \
+       sed <$< -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/^[^*].*$$//' | \
            sed -e 's/^[*]/#define/' -e 's/mAgIc[^-0-9]*//' -e '/^ *$$/d' >$@
 %-ioctls.sym: tmpl-ioctls.sym
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ cpp = $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS-$@) -E -x c
 %ioctl-requests.list: %ioctl-headers.h
        $(cpp) $< | sed -n 's/^#.*"\([^"]*\)".*$$/\1/p' | sort | uniq | \
        while read f; do \
-         sed -n 's/^[  ]*#[    ]*define[       
]*\([A-Z0-9_]*\)[^A-Z0-9_][^A-Z0-9_]*_IO.*'\'$*\'.*$$'/\1/p' $$f; \
+         sed -n 's/^[  ]*#[    ]*define[       
]*\([A-Z0-9_]*\)[^A-Z0-9_][^A-Z0-9_]*_IO.*'\'$*\''.*$$/\1/p' $$f; \
        done | sort | uniq > $@
 %ioctl.defs: %ioctl.sym
diff --git a/hurd/gensym.awk b/hurd/gensym.awk
index 6c6e1a1..e5157c3 100644
--- a/hurd/gensym.awk
+++ b/hurd/gensym.awk
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ BEGIN {
 # Take an arbitrarily complex C symbol or expression and constantize it.
 /^expr/ {
-       print "__asm (\"";
+       printf "__asm (\"";
        if ($3 == "")
                printf "* %s mAgIc%%0\" : : \"i\" (%s));\n", $2, $2;
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ BEGIN {
 # Output a symbol defining the size of a C structure.
 /^size/ {
-       print "__asm (\"";
+       printf "__asm (\"";
        if ($4 == "")
                printf "* %s_SIZE mAgIc%%0\" : : \"i\" (sizeof(struct %s)));\n",
                        toupper($3), $2;
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ BEGIN {
 # Output a symbol defining the byte offset of an element of a C structure.
 /^offset/ {
-       print "__asm (\"";
+       printf "__asm (\"";
        if ($5 == "")
                printf "* %s_%s mAgIc%%0\" : : \"i\" (&((struct 

Bartłomiej Puget

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