YottaNews Auto-Responder

2005-05-12 Thread support
help someone else. Thanks, YottaNews Support ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list Bug-ghostscript@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-ghostscript

Gegen das Vergessen

2005-05-14 Thread support
In den fruehen Abendstunden des 13. Februar 1945 gegen 21:41 Uhr heulten die Sirenen der Lazarettstadt Dresden das erste mal auf. Die Bewohner der Elbmetropole machten sich zu der Zeit noch keine Sorgen, da Dresden als Stadt ohne Bewaffnung und ohne militaerischen Nutzen bekannt war und von ca.

Tuerkei in die EU

2005-05-14 Thread support
GEWALTEXZESS: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,345203,00.html Politiker zerreißt Menschenrechtsbericht: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,325983,00.html Schily = Hitler http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,345929,00.html Schily wehrt sich gegen Hitler-Vergleich

Verbrechen der deutschen Frau

2005-05-14 Thread support
Lese selbst: http://www.jn-bw.de/texte/zeitgeschichte/verbrechen_der_frau.htm ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list Bug-ghostscript@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-ghostscript

60 Jahre Befreiung: Wer feiert mit?

2005-05-14 Thread support
http://www.unserforum.com/aff/include.php?path=content/content.php&contentid=149 http://www.unserforum.com/aff/include.php?path=content/content.php&contentid=54 http://www.unserforum.com/aff/include.php?path=content/content.php&contentid=55 http://www.unserforum.com/aff/include.php?path=content/

Dresden Bombing Is To Be Regretted Enormously

2005-05-14 Thread support
Full Article: http://service.spiegel.de/cache/international/0,1518,341239,00.html ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list Bug-ghostscript@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-ghostscript

Gegen das Vergessen

2005-05-14 Thread Support
In den fruehen Abendstunden des 13. Februar 1945 gegen 21:41 Uhr heulten die Sirenen der Lazarettstadt Dresden das erste mal auf. Die Bewohner der Elbmetropole machten sich zu der Zeit noch keine Sorgen, da Dresden als Stadt ohne Bewaffnung und ohne militaerischen Nutzen bekannt war und von ca.

Verbrechen der deutschen Frau

2005-05-14 Thread support
Lese selbst: http://www.jn-bw.de/texte/zeitgeschichte/verbrechen_der_frau.htm ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list Bug-ghostscript@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-ghostscript


2005-05-14 Thread SUPPORT
Lese selbst: http://www.mjoelnirsseite.de/2100.htm ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list Bug-ghostscript@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-ghostscript

Multi-Kulturell = Multi-Kriminell

2005-05-14 Thread support
Lese selbst: http://www.npd.de/npd_info/meldungen/2005/m0105-19.html ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list Bug-ghostscript@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-ghostscript

4,8 Mill. Osteuropaeer durch Fischer-Volmer Erlass

2005-05-15 Thread support
Lese selbst: http://www.npd.de/npd_info/deutschland/2005/d0405-13.html Neue Dokumente: http://www.rp-online.de/public/article/nachrichten/politik/deutschland/87647 Botschafter in Kiew beschwerte sich noch 2004: http://www.rp-online.de/public/article/nachrichten/politik/deutschland/85735 Traumzie

4,8 Mill. Osteuropaeer durch Fischer-Volmer Erlass [T2005051505LS]

2005-05-15 Thread support
Dear bug-ghostscript@gnu.org, This is just a note from Ipswitch Technical Support to let you know that we received your email message on 5/14/05 at 11:19:30 PM. Your tracking number for this inquiry is T2005051505LS. Please be sure to include this number in the Subject line of any future

Augen auf

2005-05-15 Thread support
http://www.rocknord.de http://www.aktivefrauenfraktion.tk http://www.kopfmord.de http://www.das-gibts-doch-nicht.de http://www.zukunft-europa.info/index.html http://www.geocities.com/scorpios2602/links.html http://www.g-d-f.de http://www.bewaeltigen.de http://www.wk-institut.de http://www.jungefrei

Re: Your mail to support@replayinc.com

2005-05-17 Thread support
Thank you for visiting Replay Technologies. We will process your request and/or order in a timely fashion. If you have any tech support issues, please allow 24-hours as we may need to run tests on your specific issue. We are constantly making changes to our Award Winning CD Looper program and

Re: Your mail to support@replayinc.com

2005-05-17 Thread support
Thank you for visiting Replay Technologies. We will process your request and/or order in a timely fashion. If you have any tech support issues, please allow 24-hours as we may need to run tests on your specific issue. We are constantly making changes to our Award Winning CD Looper program and

Spam Arrest Verification Confirmation

2005-05-19 Thread support
Thank you for verifying your email address with Spam Arrest! Your email has been forwarded to Scott Sackett - Artifex Software Inc's inbox. All of your future emails to Scott Sackett - Artifex Software Inc will also be delivered directly into their inbox. You can protect your own email a

[KQB-34283]: Mail Delivery (failure [EMAIL PROTECTED])

2005-08-07 Thread Support
== Please reply above this line == bug-ghostscript@gnu.org, Ticket ID: KQB-34283 Ticket Key: ad949f42 Subject: Mail Delivery (failure [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Department: Support Your ticket has been submitted to our Support department, one of the staff members will

Re: S.O.S. Kiez! Polizei schlaegt Alarm

2005-05-15 Thread support-reply
TRUECREDIT AUTOMATED RESPONSE Thank you for contacting TrueCredit. The following frequently requested information should assist you with your inquiry. If you cannot find the information you need, please contact the Customer Service Team. For contact information and hours of service, visit: htt

[TICKET-ID:techticket-#112855] assigned to your request

2005-05-17 Thread internic Support
Unser Support hat Ihre Email-Anfrage erhalten und hat eine Ticketnummer zugewiesen. Einer unserer Support Mitarbeiter wird sich so schnell wie moeglich Ihrem Problem zuwenden. Um uns die Zuweisung zu diesem Problem zu erleichtern und um Ihnen damit schneller helfen zu koennen ersuchen wir Sie

[TICKET-ID:techticket-#112856] assigned to your request

2005-05-17 Thread internic Support
Unser Support hat Ihre Email-Anfrage erhalten und hat eine Ticketnummer zugewiesen. Einer unserer Support Mitarbeiter wird sich so schnell wie moeglich Ihrem Problem zuwenden. Um uns die Zuweisung zu diesem Problem zu erleichtern und um Ihnen damit schneller helfen zu koennen ersuchen wir Sie

Auto-response for your message to freemail@insightful.com

2005-05-17 Thread support-admin
(This is an automatic reply.) Thank you for contacting Insightful Technical Support. This automated reply message is to let you know that we have received your inquiry. The Technical Support team is dedicated to providing responsive, effective support that helps our customers use our products

Spytech Support [Autoreply - MUST READ]

2005-05-19 Thread Spytech Support
Hello! Thank you for emailing Spytech Support! Please note that we no longer answer email directly, as we have implemented a new ticket system which helps us answer your questions easier, and gives you better access to support! Please fill out a help ticket at http://www.spytech-web.com

Spytech Support [Autoreply - MUST READ]

2005-05-19 Thread Spytech Support
Hello! Thank you for emailing Spytech Support! Please note that we no longer answer email directly, as we have implemented a new ticket system which helps us answer your questions easier, and gives you better access to support! Please fill out a help ticket at http://www.spytech-web.com

Help from Intel Technical Support (LTK620807110X )

2005-05-15 Thread Intel Customer Support
Thank you for contacting Intel's automatic e-mail support system regarding: Subject: Paranoider Deutschenmoerder kommt in Psychiatrie Below is a list of documents that may contain the solution to your issue. Please follow the document links to view the results in a web browser. REM56

Our support options have changed!

2005-05-28 Thread Raptisoft Tech Support
Dear Sir or Madam, We at Raptisoft have upgraded our support options, and the e-mail address you have contacted is no longer valid. We hope you will bear with us through this transition. If you wish to contact Raptisoft tech support, please use the form on this page: http

DBA Software Email Procedures

2005-06-10 Thread The DBA Software Support Team
Thank you for your email communication. A member of our staff will be responding to you soon. The majority of our email correspondence now takes place from within our Online Support Center. Please refer to our new email procedures below. If you are responding to a Ticket from within the

DBA Software Email Procedures

2005-06-13 Thread The DBA Software Support Team
Thank you for your email communication. A member of our staff will be responding to you soon. The majority of our email correspondence now takes place from within our Online Support Center. Please refer to our new email procedures below. If you are responding to a Ticket from within the