Thank you for your email communication. A member of our staff will be responding to you soon. The majority of our email correspondence now takes place from within our Online Support Center. Please refer to our new email procedures below.
If you are responding to a Ticket from within the Support Center: Please use the link provided within the body of the email. You can also reply to or reopen any ticket from the My Support area of the Online Support Center. To submit an Issue to our support team: You will need to have an active support subscription or special prospect ticketing privileges in order to submit a support ticket. You can self-submit a ticket from within the Online Support Center. The sign in page can be accessed from the Help menu of DBA Next Generation or from the Support page of our website (Sign in link: DBA Classic Customers: We are switching our support model to our new online ticketing system. You will need to purchase a support subscription to submit support incidents. We will apply any accrued support minutes toward your support subscription purchase. We hope that you appreciate the new support resources that we have put together for both DBA Classic and Next Generation. If you have any questions, please contact 800-995-1959. Regards, The DBA Software Support Team _______________________________________________ Bug-ghostscript mailing list