Re: Jittery text in successive PostScript sequences

2018-01-23 Thread Bob Eby
Hi Mr. Wessel, Ghostscript is written by Artifex Software: I believe they run a website here: for the main Ghostscript product along with mailing list(s). This mailing list is for an old GNU copy of Ghostscript back when they went from regular GPL to

Re: Jittery text in successive PostScript sequences

2018-01-23 Thread Bradley C. Kuszmaul
It looks like even the straight lines and circles have jaggies, and your jittering looks like it's just jaggies spread across the time domain. I don't think you can expect it to look good at such low resolution without taking a lot more care about anti-aliasing. Can you increase the resolution? B

Re: Jittery text in successive PostScript sequences

2018-01-23 Thread Paul Wessel
Seems resolution independent; I've tried up to 4K. Here is a 2000x1250 MP4 movie, just showing the text HELL. It is especially noticeable for angles 20-30. > On Jan 23, 2018, at 5:59 AM, Bradley C. Kuszmaul

Re: Jittery text in successive PostScript sequences

2018-01-23 Thread Bradley C. Kuszmaul
This video is only 800x500, and the jitter's amplitude appears to be one pixel. On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 3:52 PM, Paul Wessel wrote: > Seems resolution independent; I've tried up to 4K. Here is a 2000x1250 > MP4 movie, just showing the text HELL. It is especially noticeable for > angles 20-30. >

Re: Jittery text in successive PostScript sequences

2018-01-23 Thread Paul Wessel
Quicktime says it is 2000x1250 and that is indeed the frame PNG dimensions - perhaps you are viewing it in a browser which shows it to be smaller. in my browser it looks much smaller as well. Anyway, we are trying to quantify if indeed it is -/+1 pixel which makes sense in terms of rounding. I

Re: Jittery text in successive PostScript sequences

2018-01-23 Thread Bradley C. Kuszmaul
I downloaded the file and asked vlc what's the resolution. I can still see the jaggies on the lines.That's probably all I know about your problem. Maybe by looking at two adjacent frames in PostScript, one could learn more. Bradley C Kuszmaul - via snartphone On Jan 23, 2018 4:53 PM, "Paul