I downloaded the file and asked vlc what's the resolution.  I can still see
the jaggies on the lines.    That's probably all I know about your
problem.   Maybe by looking at two adjacent frames in PostScript, one could
learn more.

Bradley C Kuszmaul - via snartphone

On Jan 23, 2018 4:53 PM, "Paul Wessel" <pwes...@hawaii.edu> wrote:

> Quicktime says it is 2000x1250 and that is indeed the frame PNG dimensions
> - perhaps you are viewing it in a browser which shows it to be smaller.  in
> my browser it looks much smaller as well.
> Anyway, we are trying to quantify if indeed it is -/+1 pixel which makes
> sense in terms of rounding.  I thought the anti-aliasing settings would add
> the gray to nearby pixels to simulate the sub-pixeling but that does not
> seem to happen on the projected tex [it does happen on other text that we
> have examined].
> Paul
> On Jan 23, 2018, at 2:00 PM, Bradley C. Kuszmaul <kuszm...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> This video is only 800x500, and the jitter's amplitude appears to be one
> pixel.
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 3:52 PM, Paul Wessel <pwes...@hawaii.edu> wrote:
>> Seems resolution independent; I've tried up to 4K.  Here is a 2000x1250
>> MP4 movie, just showing the text HELL. It is especially noticeable for
>> angles 20-30.
>> www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/bug.mp4
>>> <http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/bug_200.mp4>
>> On Jan 23, 2018, at 5:59 AM, Bradley C. Kuszmaul <kuszm...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> It looks like even the straight lines and circles have jaggies, and your
>> jittering looks like it's just jaggies spread across the time domain.  I
>> don't think you can expect it to look good at such low resolution without
>> taking a lot more care about anti-aliasing. Can you increase the resolution?
>> Bradley C Kuszmaul - via snartphone
>> On Jan 22, 2018 10:06 PM, "Paul Wessel" <pwes...@hawaii.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi developers-
>>> GMT (gmt.soest.hawaii.edu) is using PostScript to make plots and one
>>> application builds an animation from sequences of PostScript plots
>>> converted to PNG with ghostscript (9.22) and then to MP4 with ffmpeg.  We
>>> have found a problem that may be a ghostscript bug, or alternatively we are
>>> doing something wrong.  When using a perspective view (i.e., using a matrix
>>> concatenation to simulate perspective), the resulting oblique text strings
>>> "jitter" when viewed as a movie.  For an example, see
>>> www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/bug_200.mp4.  As the movie plays, you will
>>> see the INDIVIDUAL letters in the word HELL jitter relative to each other,
>>> despite being set via a single show command (here just a snippet of our
>>> code; setting currentpoint, font etc are omitted here)
>>> (HELL) dup dup stringwidth pop -2 div exch sh -2 div rmoveto show
>>> where sh is defined as
>>> /sh {gsave matrix setmatrix 0 0 moveto true charpath flattenpath
>>> pathbbox newpath 4 1 roll pop pop pop grestore} bind def
>>> [a complete PS example of a single frame can be found here:
>>> www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/bug.ps.
>>> At first we suspected flattenpath but HELL (using Helvetica) has no
>>> curved segments (?).  We also tried to override the flattening with 0.2
>>> setflat, but no difference.  We suspect some sort of roundoff but it
>>> affects the different letters in the word differently, and that is not
>>> under our control.  Could any of the operators above be subject to
>>> round-off that affect individual letters?
>>> Perhaps developers know where this may happen and if there is anything
>>> we can do on our side to remedy the problem.  As you can see there is no
>>> jittering for plotting a circle or lines.  The map frame annotations show
>>> the same jittering so it affects all text.
>>> Thanks for any insight!  We can provide more details, all individual PS
>>> files, etc upon request. FYI, we have tried both tif and jpg instead of png
>>> but no difference. We also made PDFs and used OS X Automator to build PNGs
>>> and made a movie using QuickTime Pro; same jittering (not sure if OS X High
>>> Sierra uses ghostscript in Preview etc).
>>> Paul Wessel
>>> Lead developer
>>> The Generic Mapping Tools

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