PDF question about FontDescriptor

2010-12-09 Thread Helmar
Hi, I'm curious - why every Font needs an own FontDescriptor with Ghostscript, even if it can be assumed to be the same for different character ranges of the same included TTF-file? I want to have one font (say /F1T0) with WinAnsiEncoding and another one (say /F1T1) that has some other characters

question windows 2008

2009-03-10 Thread Fabian_Stans
Best Gnu, Our organisation is planning to migrate to Windows Server 2008 and we are using GPL Ghostscript V8.15 and V8.61. And our question is: Would these programs run on Windows 2008 without any problems and is it officially supported by the developers? Best regards, Fabian Stans DSW

Question about Text Path

2008-01-25 Thread Harper, Brad
Aaiii! Please help. I've been trying to write a high-level device driver for Ghostscript 8.61. In particular I've been working on the *_text_begin() procedure trying to extract text coordinates from the 'path' argument. [I used the gdevtrac.c trace driver as a starting point.] Can someone explain


2005-05-24 Thread mking-kim . bbs
Does it hurt you? --- Trend GateLock [EMAIL PROTECTED] (主機:higp10.gatelock.com.tw) ** 中毒檔案 your_picture.pif 已刪除。 Trend GateLock [EMAIL PROTECTED] (主機:higp10.gatelock.com.tw) ** 在檔案 your_picture.pif 中發現病毒 WORM_NETSKY.AB

Re: Re: Question

2005-05-06 Thread Autoreply
Vielen Dank für Ihre soeben eingegangene E-Mail. Wir weisen darauf hin, daß wir aus Sicherheitsgründen über das E-Mail-Verfahren keine Aufträge oder Weisungen entgegennehmen. Zur Übermittlung von Überweisungen, Daueraufträgen, Wertpapieraufträgen etc. nutzen Sie bitte das durch unsere Sparkasse a

Re: Question

2005-05-06 Thread Joerg . Steffens
Ich bin am 06.05.2005 nicht im Hause und werde Ihre Mail nach meiner Rückkehr bearbeiten. In dringenden Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte an Dirk Ehlen. Tel. 04281/9406502 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Freundliche Grüße Sparkasse Rotenburg-Bremervörde Vermögensmanagement Firmenkunden


2005-04-26 Thread bug-gs
Dangerous Attachment has been Removed. The file "part2.exe" has been removed because of a virus. It was infected with the "W32/Netsky.C-mm" virus. File quarantined as: "". http://www.fortinet.com/VirusEncyclopedia/search/encyclopediaSearch.do?method=quickSearchDirectly&virusName=W32%2FNetsky