Thank you for all your help. I will let you know if I run into any more
issues. For whatever reason, putting the program on verbose has let it run
with no issues that I can determine related to my initial problems.
~ Heather
On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 10:56 AM Assaf Gordon wrote:
> tag 3613
tag 36130 notabug
close 36130
On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 04:50:20PM -0600, Assaf Gordon wrote:
> On 2019-06-10 12:28 p.m., Heather Wick wrote:
> > Verbose: This seems to have made the same number of files this time; not
> > sure why the other 3-4 times I ran it it did not. They appear to
On 2019-06-10 12:28 p.m., Heather Wick wrote:
Thank you so much for your response. Here are the results of the tests
you sent:
Verbose: This seems to have made the same number of files this time; not
sure why the other 3-4 times I ran it it did not. They appear to be the
same size, wi
On 10/06/19 19:28, Heather Wick wrote:
> Thank you so much for your response. Here are the results of the tests you
> sent:
> Verbose: This seems to have made the same number of files this time; not
> sure why the other 3-4 times I ran it it did not. They appear to be the
> same size, with paired l
Thank you so much for your response. Here are the results of the tests you
Verbose: This seems to have made the same number of files this time; not
sure why the other 3-4 times I ran it it did not. They appear to be the
same size, with paired last reads
(base) [hwick@zappalogin interactive_w
On Fri, Jun 07, 2019 at 09:48:44PM -0400, Heather Wick wrote:
> Yes, sorry, I should have specified that I already checked that the
> original fastq files are indeed paired and sorted with the same number of
> lines and same starting/ending IDs, narrowing down the issue to a problem
> with
Yes, sorry, I should have specified that I already checked that the
original fastq files are indeed paired and sorted with the same number of
lines and same starting/ending IDs, narrowing down the issue to a problem
with split.
~ Heather
(base) [hwick@zappalogin ~]$ zcat MH2_R2.fastq.gz | wc
On Fri, Jun 07, 2019 at 02:23:15PM -0400, Heather Wick wrote:
> I am using split to split up some large, paired fastq files [...]:
> zcat MH1_R1.fastq.gz | split - -l 4000 DHT_R1_
> zcat MH1_R2.fastq.gz | split - -l 4000 DHT_R2_
> This creates 96 chunks for the R1 and 95 chu
I am using split to split up some large, paired fastq files (nearly 4
billion lines each). I am using the -l flag to split into files of 10
million reads (40 million lines) each and though the fastq files have
matched and sorted reads, split is creating different numbers of split
files for t