On 10/06/19 19:28, Heather Wick wrote:
> Thank you so much for your response. Here are the results of the tests you
> sent:
> Verbose: This seems to have made the same number of files this time; not
> sure why the other 3-4 times I ran it it did not. They appear to be the
> same size, with paired last reads
> (base) [hwick@zappalogin interactive_with_verbose]$ cat
> make_chunks_1_1mill_verbose
> DHT_R1 exit code: 0
> DHT_R2 exit code: 0
>   96 DHT_R1.log
>   96 DHT_R2.log
>  192 total
> Version:
> (base) [hwick@zappalogin test_2019]$ split --version
> split (GNU coreutils) 8.4

That is nearly 10 years old now, though in saying that I'm not
sure if there were any bugs fixed that would explain what you're seeing.
One possibility is:
which would manifest as silently ignoring errors when reading input.


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