Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] approval of preliminary budget for 2022

2022-04-06 Thread laszlo . nemeth
On Wed, 2022-04-06 at 08:15 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote: On behalf of the Board, I therefore call for the following VOTE: Approval of the preliminary budget for 2022 +1 approve -- László Németh, Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin,

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] ratify board communication best practices document

2022-04-15 Thread laszlo . nemeth
On 2022-04-12 18:44, Thorsten Behrens wrote: Dear fellow directors, having discussed this and incorporated your feedback, calling for a vote, to: * ratify attached best practices as current board communication guidelines (verbatim copy from

[board-discuss] Representation statement

2022-05-15 Thread laszlo . nemeth
I, László Németh, elected member of the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, hereby and until further notice, nominate the following deputies to represent me during board calls and meetings, in the order set forth below: 1. Gábor Kelemen 2. Gabriel Masei 3. Ayhan Yalçınsoy Best rega

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread laszlo . nemeth
Hi, Sorry, I hope my late answer will be as friendly and productive as I intended it to be. On 2022-06-01 17:23, Andreas Mantke wrote: Hi all, Am 01.06.22 um 11:11 schrieb Jan Holesovsky: Hi Andreas, Andreas Mantke píše v Út 31. 05. 2022 v 19:49 +0200: I'd be curious to know what would b

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] TDF to publish LibreOffice in app stores

2022-06-09 Thread laszlo . nemeth
Hello, On 2022-06-08 11:44, Florian Effenberger wrote: Hello Simon, Simon Phipps wrote on 04.06.22 at 10:59: Can you tell us who "attended" the "meeting" please as only 5 votes were recorded so 2 must have been absent. that's something for the board to decide, how they want to handle this -

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-24 Thread laszlo . nemeth
Hi, On 2022-06-23 17:09, Paolo Vecchi wrote: Hi Andreas, thank you for letting us know that you are working on it. Ideally it would be great to have a few developers working on it, especially to fix known security issues, and sufficient activity to make it viable. It is true that LOOL has bee

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-24 Thread laszlo . nemeth
Hi Andreas, On 2022-06-24 17:51, Andreas Mantke wrote: Hi Laszlo, all, I'm not sure, if you as a former Collabora staff member don't any potential CoI in the whole topic. I'd prefer if only community members without potential CoI share their opinion on this topic. I'm not only a former Colla

Re: [board-discuss] LibreOffice in app stores free, paid or both?

2022-07-11 Thread laszlo . nemeth
Hi Paolo, Hi All, On 2022-07-11 15:52, Paolo Vecchi wrote: Hi all, I just wanted to ask the community how they think LibreOffice should be published in the various app stores. Should it be: a. available at a cost b. free More precisely, free of charge. LibreOffice could remain free with the

[board-discuss] Changes in corporate affiliation

2022-11-14 Thread laszlo . nemeth
Dear Members, I would like to change my corporate affiliation to Csevej Bt., Hungary. Csevej Bt. is my free software company, working on e.g. LibreOffice language technology including Hunspell, libnumbertext, LightProof, libhyphen; LibreLogo etc., recently finishing libnumbertext integration

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-04 Thread laszlo . nemeth
Dear Cor, board and TDF members, On 2022-12-02 09:24, Cor Nouws wrote: Dear people, Thanks for the constructive feedback on the proposal. Various changes applied, I now call a vote for the resolution below. Your response within 72 hours from now is much appreciated. Cheers, Cor -%<-

[board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] Start audio-recording TDF board calls again, for better minuting

2023-03-03 Thread laszlo . nemeth
Hi, +1 Best regards, László On 2023-03-02 21:08, Thorsten Behrens wrote: Dear board, as discussed during the last board call, it would help with producing better-quality minutes, if audio recordings would be available. Motion: ask Infra to setup a Jitsi recording facility for the TDF board r