Hi Paolo, Hi All,
On 2022-07-11 15:52, Paolo Vecchi wrote:
Hi all,
I just wanted to ask the community how they think LibreOffice should
be published in the various app stores.
Should it be:
a. available at a cost
b. free
More precisely, free of charge. LibreOffice could remain free with the
first option, too. See also https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.html
(It starts with "Many people believe that the spirit of the GNU Project
is that you should not charge money for distributing copies of software,
or that you should charge as little as possible—just enough to cover the
cost. This is a misunderstanding.")
c. both
As this is one of the items that will be discussed during tonight's
board meeting, it would be great to have comments in writing and also
having you in the meeting to share your point of view.
Today topic of the board meeting is only the initial publication,
according to the agenda sent last week:
"2. Status Report, Discuss: Status: LibreOffice in the app stores
(Florian Effenberger, Paolo Vecchi, Thorsten Behrens, 15 mins)
Status report and various ongoing discussions:
* current status & timeline
* publishing 'LibreOffice' free of charge initially?
* publish 'LibreOffice Supporter' stating that users should buy
to support TDF"?
* withdraw the free version if donation flow impacted?
* update cycle, and how to move people to new versions?
* should previous buyers (from licensed offers) get vouchers on
It's worth speaking about the possible future options later (which could
be more). Moreover, as you well know, the board is going to do that
after a few months, based on the experience with the initial
publication. Now the only urgent task was to decide about the initial
publication, so your question was misleading a little bit.
Best regards,
László Németh, Member of the Board of Directors
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