Hi Andreas,
Full name: Ahmad Haris
E-mail address: ahmadharis1...@gmail.com
Corporate affiliation: -
Location: Indonesia
Pada tanggal Rab, 24 Agu 2022 pukul 22.04 Andreas Mantke
> Hi Ahmad,
> would you be so kind and add information about your corporate
> affiliation,
Hi Ahmad,
would you be so kind and add information about your corporate
affiliation, your email address? And there is a statement missing, that
you will provide information about every change in this data asap.
Am 24.08.22 um 10:58 schrieb ahmad haris:
Dear Members & Board of
Dear Members & Board of Directors of The Document Foundation,
I'm Ahmad Haris, a FOSS Activist who was born and lives in Indonesia. I
started learning OOo in 2007 as a user, then from 2008 until 2010 I had the
chance to help the local government of Aceh Province to use Open Source
Software includi
Dear members & Board of Directors of The Document Foundation,
I'm a candidate in the next elections to the Membership Committee.
Who am I:
I’m Ahmad Haris from Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. A family man, half
musician and a director of technology in a private company. I’ve been in
the FOSS com