Dear members & Board of Directors of The Document Foundation,

I'm a candidate in the next elections to the Membership Committee.

Who am I:

I’m Ahmad Haris from Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. A family man, half
musician and a director of technology in a private company. I’ve been in
the FOSS community since 2007, active both in Ubuntu Indonesia and openSUSE
Indonesia since I understand about FOSS until now. Become director of
BlankOn Linux distribution for 5 years then retire to become leader of
Ridon Project (Android based project) for 3 years. I also active in GNOME
Foundation/GNOME Indonesia Community for last 6 years, and in LibreOffice
Indonesia Community in last 4 years most of members know me as “supreme

In my daily life, both as professional and personal, I actively promote
LibreOffice. I also became a Membership Committee for the last 2 years.

I’m willing to continue as a Membership Committee because I love to connect
with the community around the world and continue my journey to promote
FOSS, including LibreOffice.

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Full name: Ahmad Haris

Email address: /

Affiliation: Independent

My 75 words official candidacy statement:

I nominate myself as MC again to continue my idealism and my passion to
promote FOSS including LibreOffice, helping newcomers to contribute to
upstream projects with their different ways.

I want to encourage people joining LibreOffice both in the local community
and International Community. Reach all communities who have in touch with
me as possible even if it is not an IT based community. Also actively
promoting LibreOffice in Asia, not only in where I live, Indonesia.

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