[board-discuss] the importance of shepherding this list & TDF

2022-11-30 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi there, On 29/11/2022 23:38, Franklin Weng wrote: > Believe me or not. Let me try to provide a quick counter-balance in this thread. It seems to me extraordinary to criticize Thorsten like this for doing his job - in line with the best practices for communications as adopted by t

Re: [board-discuss] Report about numbers from Apple App Store

2022-11-25 Thread Michael Meeks
On 23/11/2022 17:22, Andreas Mantke wrote: You try to mislead the audience a bit here. I see no evidence of that from Thorsten. It's not a 'donor' but a business entity from the eco system. And it is not a donation but a business deal. I've been criticized for many things, but be

[board-discuss] Updated Code of Conduct - blind-sided

2022-10-07 Thread Michael Meeks
On 06/10/2022 12:39: > Hi everyone, > > The Document Foundation has updated its Code of Conduct, the set of > guidelines that explains to our contributors and users what behaviours > and interactions we value: > > https://www.documentfoundation.org/foundation/code-of-conduct/ It is deeply

[board-discuss] Disappointing trademark pieces

2022-09-08 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi there, Recently at Collabora we received a set of demands from a subset of TDF's board with a short deadline to 'correct all possible findings' and to correct "on the indicated pages and on all pages that might contain these or comparable 'infringements'". These demands cov

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Michael Meeks
What a silly thread. Some neutral name for the integration should be picked and implemented and/or both names be accepted; I would suggest 'lok' for LibreOfficeKit. Commit/revert wars are a nonsense that helps no-one - I would expect the ESC should intervene and cut out the poli

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2022-07-11

2022-07-19 Thread Michael Meeks
On 15/07/2022 12:11, Stephan Ficht wrote: ### Public Part 1. Answering questions from the community (tdf-board, 5 mins)     Rationale: Provide an opportunity for the community to ask     questions to the board and about TDF Let me add my questions as I asked them (and as I pasted them to

Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-05 Thread Michael Meeks
On 04/07/2022 17:54, Paolo Vecchi wrote: On 04/07/2022 18:22, Uwe Altmann wrote: I'm willing to prepare and moderate a session (similar to the one in Brno) If there is some interest within the community because it doesn't make sense to do this with three to five Persons new at the project as

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-27 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, On 24/06/2022 16:51, Andreas Mantke wrote: I'm not sure, if you as a former Collabora staff member don't any potential CoI in the whole topic. I'm pretty sure though =) László hasn't worked with Collabora since 2017 and AFAIK has no (even indirect) commercial relationship with

[board-discuss] A thank-you to our app-store publishers.

2022-06-10 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi there, Paolo Vecchi wrote on 31.05.22 at 21:03: TDF to publish LibreOffice in the app stores, especially Apple and Microsoft. TDF will work to prepare LibreOffice for the app stores as soon as possible As this era ends, I'd like to say how pleased we are at Collabora to have been ab

Re: [board-discuss] Re: In-house developers proposal v 2.1

2022-06-08 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Paolo, On 08/06/2022 09:18, Paolo Vecchi wrote: That is a copy/paste from a text the general manager of a commercial contributor sent the 23/05 It is not the greatest vote of confidence in your position that you critique the source of a counter-proposal rather than the proposal itself: p

[board-discuss] Hiring Targeted Developers ... feedback.

2022-05-26 Thread Michael Meeks
Executive Director shall direct day to day management for the Targeted Developers" - if they want to do that via other mentors - that's up to them. Michael Meeks' prefers to have the ESC controlling the mentor/developers I think this is the same mis-understanding about h

[board-discuss] Hiring Targeted Developers ...

2022-05-23 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi everyone, Let me try to provide a simpler proposal that combines several ideas from the thread and focuses on clarifying the management aspect. Hopefully as an E-mail it is easier to interact with the content. * Rationale A selection of points from Paolo's discussion on the l

[board-discuss] Re: Proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-05-12 Thread Michael Meeks
On 12/05/2022 13:29, Paolo Vecchi wrote: after receiving quite a few comments and suggestions it seems like is time to publish ... I have received no additional constructive feedback from the board since the last published version so I assume ... I'd really love to get some answers

Re: [board-discuss] Drafting Tender "Look-ahead styleref field for Writer"

2022-05-06 Thread Michael Meeks
On 06/05/2022 14:42, Regina Henschel wrote: I thought, ODF is the basic file format for LibreOffice. So I expect, that writing in 'ODF extended' format is included in the tender anyway. Sounds sensible to me =) of course, the ball-parks are very often done quite quickly finger-in-the-air t

[board-discuss] A big thank-you to the ESC ...

2022-04-29 Thread Michael Meeks
composition: > > https://www.documentfoundation.org/governance/engineering-steering-committee/ > this way: > Lionel Elie Mamane (Individual) → Vasily Melenchuk (CIB) > Andras Timar (Collabora) → Luboš Luňák (Collabora) > Michael Meeks (Collabora) → Tomaž Vajng

Re: [board-discuss] certification list issue ?

2022-04-28 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, On 14/04/2022 14:38, Andreas Mantke wrote: On 09/04/2022 13:17, Andreas Mantke wrote: > https://www.documentfoundation.org/gethelp/developers/ you see ...>> > And if you make a small research inside the git log, you'll find out > that the list at the website is not up to date. Ther

Re: [board-discuss] certification list issue ?

2022-04-14 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, Let me re-pose the questions that perhaps you missed here: On 09/04/2022 13:17, Andreas Mantke wrote: > https://www.documentfoundation.org/gethelp/developers/ you see > that most of them are contracted by Collabora. Which seemed inaccurate to me, and: > And if you make a sm

[board-discuss] certification list issue ?

2022-04-11 Thread Michael Meeks
Am 09.04.22 um 08:51 schrieb Heiko Tietze: If you take me as an external observer, the opposite is true. Collabora is home for many experts, every single one always supportive, and never acted against the interests of the project. Thank you for your kind words Heiko - much appreciate

[board-discuss] Dividing & excluding ...

2022-04-07 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi there, Since it seems that there are only complainers on one side of this discussion let me give another view. If only to avoid the idea that there should be major concessions on one side only. I am thrilled that three of our founding team: Kendy, Thorsten & Cor are on the boa

Re: [board-discuss] New draft of the proposal for in-house developers

2022-03-30 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Franklin, On 25/03/2022 14:26, Franklin Weng wrote: we have seen something like "why do you think we (C*a) would want to help you in creating a competing product?" when someone asked for help in our developer's IRC channel. I'm flattered by what I assume is this new C*a contractio

[board-discuss] Re: New draft of the proposal for in-house developers

2022-03-24 Thread Michael Meeks
n.org/s/d5fF4eCK4JHtpHj ... > Please do remind me if I forgot to include your constructive feedback! Thank you for the new version; I wrote previously: On 25/02/2022 09:22, Michael Meeks wrote: > It's a bit sad it is a PDF, and without any heading numbering, so > rather hard to intera

Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal - version 2.0

2022-03-11 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Emiliano, On 08/03/2022 22:54, Emiliano Vavassori wrote: Of course, we are available to further clarify the proposal, if needed, and we eagerly await for your input on this following version. Proposal seems reasonable. This “attic” space will have, at minimum, the following charac

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] award text layout tender to Collabora

2022-03-10 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, On 10/03/2022 16:15, Andreas Mantke wrote: Am 10.03.22 um 15:57 schrieb Florian Effenberger: the 4 full board members participating in the vote were non-bidders. In alphabetical order: Caolán, Emiliano, László and Paolo. As for the 2021 budget, find the vote result at https://lista

Re: [board-discuss] Advisory Board Membership of Rubitech-Astra

2022-02-26 Thread Michael Meeks
On 26/02/2022 09:28, Thorsten Behrens wrote: The board has just decided to suspend the AB membership. Great work (and quick too). I do think we need to make it clear in whatever statement and/or notification we give that the individuals involved are not the problem, and that the d

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Draft document for TDF in-house developers proposal

2022-02-25 Thread Michael Meeks
On 24/02/2022 15:56, Paolo Vecchi wrote: On 24/02/2022 13:42, Michael Weghorn wrote: Regarding app stores (p. 5), IIRC, Michael (Meeks) suggested to separate that topic from the current discussion, which I think makes sense. I think it would make sense to focus on identifying non

[board-discuss] Re: Draft document for TDF in-house developers proposal

2022-02-25 Thread Michael Meeks
On 23/02/2022 16:01, Paolo Vecchi wrote: Thanks to your comments I started writing a more structured proposal Thanks for doing that that - it helps. There are some good things about this proposal that are reasonable. You can find the draft which starts outlining various concepts and lists

Re: [board-discuss] Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-10 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Daniel, On 10/02/2022 14:53, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote: El 10/2/22 a las 08:30, Stephan Ficht escribió: So, everyone and everything being an important piece in the mosaic for the big picture for a FLOSS office suite, called LibreOffice. Crystal clear, for some of us at least This reminds

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Enable TDF to contribute more code to LibreOffice with in-house developers to address our donors specific needs

2022-02-10 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Italo, On 10/02/2022 15:31, Italo Vignoli wrote: On 2/10/22 13:36, Michael Weghorn wrote: I have the impression that a fundamentally important question is what the purpose/task of TDF-internal developers would be. Yes, but it looks like the discussion is blocked one step before reaching a

Re: [board-discuss] Counterproposal to the "actization" of LibreOffice Online

2022-01-21 Thread Michael Meeks
On 18/01/2022 06:39, Andreas Mantke wrote: only for background information I recommend to read: blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2015/01/27/the-document-foundation-announces-the-results-of-the-android-tender/ and e.g. the annual report 2013 of TDF, page 9/10 And also: https:/

Re: [board-discuss] Counterproposal to the "actization" of LibreOffice Online

2022-01-17 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Simon, On 14/01/2022 18:14, Simon Phipps wrote: This has led to progress grinding to a halt through mistrust If TDF is to satisfy its mission this has to stop. The new Board has a huge opportunity and responsibility to put all this behind them and lead positively. It must shun divisiven

Re: [board-discuss] Commercial entity vs community development and distribution

2022-01-14 Thread Michael Meeks
On 13/01/2022 20:08, Ilmari Lauhakangas wrote: On 13.1.2022 21.56, Michael Meeks wrote:  Oh - wow, I didn't know that. Wow - that is awful. That crushed my hopes for a good Firebird based future. Alex: seems the problem existed before Aug 2016, but not anymore. ... 'The p

Re: [board-discuss] Commercial entity vs community development and distribution

2022-01-13 Thread Michael Meeks
On 13/01/2022 12:35, Alexander Thurgood wrote: Thanks for jumping in on this thread, and I appreciate you having taken the time to address my points. Nice to talk the issues through constructively =) Oh, yes, I still remember the pain involved in transitioning from PPC to Intel.

Re: [board-discuss] Counterproposal to the "actization" of LibreOffice Online

2022-01-13 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Marco, On 09/01/2022 16:05, Marco Marinello wrote: > I also would like to emphasize the fact that, in the current situation, > building a competing product starting from the frozen repo with no > companies working on it and the one on GitHub 1 year ahead, would just > be impossible. T

Re: [board-discuss] Commercial entity vs community development and distribution

2022-01-12 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Alexander, Let me jump in with a few thoughts here. On 12/01/2022 09:08, Alexander Thurgood wrote: > Thank you for listening to me, and apologies in advance if I may have > ruffled a few feathers. First - don't worry about that =) it's good to discuss this stuff; I wish more people

Re: [board-discuss] Last call for feedback on the proposal (was: Draft text: an "attic" proposal)

2022-01-10 Thread Michael Meeks
On 09/01/2022 17:27, Lothar K. Becker wrote: Both sentences imply that the ESC have in praxis a blocking veto, independent of the decision by a board, for both procedures. In general, I think it is wise when (re-)starting an engineering project to get input from the engineering community wh

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] Approve version 1.3.1 of the CoI policy

2021-11-23 Thread Michael Meeks
On 23/11/2021 23:45, Thorsten Behrens wrote: calling for a VOTE on the just-published draft update to the CoI policy [1], to modify our Rules of Procedure [2] - such that we reference version 1.3.1 of the CoI policy: +1, Michael. -- michael.me...@collabora.com <><, G

[board-discuss] Proposed version of the CoI Policy 1.3.1

2021-11-23 Thread Michael Meeks
On 23/11/2021 06:51, Emiliano Vavassori wrote: We are all strongly committed to work on improved iterations, and so we already have a subsequent work-in-progress version 1.3.0, which I attach to this e-mail. It will be further enhanced with the contributions of all interested parties, to see

[board-discuss] Updated representation statement Michael Meeks

2021-10-29 Thread Michael Meeks
I, Michael Meeks, elected member of the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, hereby and until further notice, nominate the following deputy to represent me during board calls and meetings: 1. Nicolas Christener All the best, Michael. -- michael.me

Re: [board-discuss] Conflict of Interest Policy

2021-10-08 Thread Michael Meeks
On 08/10/2021 10:37, Emiliano Vavassori wrote: Il 06/10/21 14:46, Simon Phipps ha scritto: I will note none of the text has been supplied to or discussed by the legal committee (where I am a volunteer). I really appreciate your activity in the project and the Foundation. I will welcome very

Re: [board-discuss] Vote about Certification Updates

2021-07-06 Thread Michael Meeks
On 06/07/2021 15:36, Italo Vignoli wrote: > As agreed during the last BoD call (July 2nd), I would like the BoD to > approve the following: > > 1. Develop a training for certification (attached), which allows to > access the "LibreOffice Certified" entry level (without specification > about migr

Re: [board-discuss] Statement on Richard M. Stallman and Free Software Foundation

2021-03-25 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, On 25/03/2021 15:06, Andreas Mantke wrote: > I'm missing some members of TDF bodies and the team here. > Had they not reached in time or are there different views > on the topic in general or only the wording? I think I mentioned the difficulty and expense in time of getting a

Re: [board-discuss] TDF Advisory Board Members

2021-03-23 Thread Michael Meeks
On 23/03/2021 18:56, Andreas Mantke wrote: > Am 23.03.21 um 19:11 schrieb Italo Vignoli: >> OSI statement: https://opensource.org/OSI_Response > > great and consequent statement. Perhaps more measured than: https://rms-open-letter.github.io/ Which is gathering steam, an

Re: [board-discuss] TDF Advisory Board Members

2021-03-23 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, On 23/03/2021 10:07, Andreas Mantke wrote: > What's the position of TDF board on this topic ? As you know this sort of question is a very easy one to ask but as with anything where there are a wide diversity of opinions - tends to be an extraordinarily expensive one to answer

Re: [board-discuss] donation infobar vs. straight donations ...

2021-03-11 Thread Michael Meeks
On 11/03/2021 16:28, Uwe Altmann wrote: > One remark: > Am 10.03.21 um 22:22 schrieb Michael Meeks: >> * switch the donate URL in the app - to something that re-directs to >> ... unfortunately that has no effect for~6 months ] > > Maybe we tweak not the URL in the app

[board-discuss] donation infobar vs. straight donations ...

2021-03-10 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Christian, Is there any way we can differentiate the donation reminder infobar from the download donation page ? One of the things we really need to know is the cause of our increase in donations; and I would love us to do two things: * switch the donate URL in the app

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Friday, March 12th at 1300 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2021-03-10 Thread Michael Meeks
On 10/03/2021 17:31, sophi wrote:> It's Videolabs who is the editor of the apps, see:> https://www.videolan.org/videolan/partners.html> Videolabs is the company run by Jean-Baptiste to support VideoLAN Interesting. There are also some notable differences in the functionality as described

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] LibreOffice Online freeze-related decisions

2021-02-02 Thread Michael Meeks
On 02/02/2021 17:28, Michael Meeks wrote: > On 02/02/2021 17:10, Daniel Armando Rodriguez wrote: >> "rewind branches on https://git.libreoffice.org/online and for the time >> being deny all write >> operations to the repository, be it on the git or gerrit side. >

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] LibreOffice Online freeze-related decisions

2021-02-02 Thread Michael Meeks
On 02/02/2021 17:10, Daniel Armando Rodriguez wrote: > "rewind branches on https://git.libreoffice.org/online and for the time > being deny all write > operations to the repository, be it on the git or gerrit side. +1 Michael. -- michael.me...@collabora.com <><, GM Col

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] LibreOffice Online information in the release notes

2021-02-02 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Florian, On 02/02/2021 12:15, Florian Effenberger wrote: > based on the previous discussion, putting the following to VOTE now: > > Ask the marketing team to summarize the new LibreOffice Online > information website (see vote item #1 in > https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/4bCUE2Lh2ffa-M8da8zE

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] LibreOffice Online freeze-related topics

2021-01-13 Thread Michael Meeks
On 13/01/2021 17:28, Simon Phipps wrote: > On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 4:53 PM Daniel Armando Rodriguez > Guilhem has a solid point here, if anyone leaves our project why should > us go behind them? > > The people involved have not left our community or the LibreOffice > project (yet). They

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] LibreOffice 7.1 tag ("label")

2020-12-08 Thread Michael Meeks
On 07/12/2020 15:28, Lothar K. Becker wrote: > Find the SLIDES with the THREE PROPOSED TAGS at >     https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/sTKeS4NipJ6X9XH > > which are from the discussion with our members, and also contain related > information on their strengths and weaknesses, provided b

[board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] LibreOffice 7.1 marketing plan

2020-12-08 Thread Michael Meeks
these would be removed. If that is the case - then I support the plan, +1, otherwise it will need significantly more thought. Was that an oversight in shrinking the slides ? and of course, luckily it's a link so easy to tweak ? Thanks, Michael. -- Micha

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] LibreOffice Online - repository and translations

2020-12-02 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Daniel, On 02/12/2020 17:21, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote: > I consider that contributions to COOL, should not taken into > consideration for TDF membership. I'm sure the membership committee will take all of these things into consideration as they deliberate. If that is their decision, p

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] LibreOffice Online - repository and translations

2020-12-01 Thread Michael Meeks
and leaves the > door open in all directions. Keeping that door open is useful; as I wrote in my original mail: https://www.mail-archive.com/board-discuss@documentfoundation.org/msg04727.html On 01/10/2020 10:13, Michael Meeks wrote (here): > Of course, we would love to see TDF co

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2020-10-23

2020-10-30 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Quentin, On 29/10/2020 00:00, Quentin Christensen wrote: > I must admit I will have to go back and have a look at the current state > of issues with LibreOffice 7 and NVDA 2020.3. If you can come up with a list of prioritized / bucketed a11y issues - we can try to estimate what it cost

[board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-02 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, On 30/09/2020 09:40, Andreas Mantke wrote: >>  c) form sub-group to work out and publish business entity proposals >>     URL: https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/3294 >>     Status: Criteria list (Lothar) Draft proposal for Luxemburg entity >> (Paolo), next meeting orga(Thor

[board-discuss] an Online move ...

2020-10-01 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi there, This is a detailed mail, so it shows up as a TLDR; then a status quo / resolution / benefits triplet, and a link to our FAQ. We're excited about this as a way to decisively unwind a number of inter-related problems at TDF. We'll keep an up-to-date version of this in the FAQ. * T

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Daniel, On 04/09/2020 14:29, Daniel Armando Rodriguez wrote: >> * many MC members say they want to expand the membership. >>   Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its >>   number of those involved in development: coding, UX, >>   translation, documentation etc. >> >> + how d

[board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-04 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote: > b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked any question to > the candidates! > > That's something to think long and hard about. What does this mean to > the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created to get the > memb

Re: [board-discuss] 'Free Beer' Office?

2020-08-03 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Telesto, On 28/07/2020 21:35, Telesto wrote: > I'm still getting a little annoyed by the 'free beer' matter. =) > While at GNU they state "We sometimes call it “libre software,” > borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to > show we do not mean the software is g

Re: [board-discuss] Initiative to improve communication channels

2020-07-17 Thread Michael Meeks
On 17/07/2020 18:52, Daniel Armando Rodriguez wrote: > Well, misunderstanding of ideas can be avoided simply by communicating > in such a way that no aspect is taken for granted when making the > request for feedback. I have no problem with tools to get polls / feedback from our userbase

Re: [board-discuss] Big organisations not contributing

2020-07-17 Thread Michael Meeks
On 14/07/2020 12:22, Sophi wrote: > There is another item here, I know several orgs buying services from > companies that are not good players with FLOSS communities. This is > something in my view which is important to address Absolutely. So - the original plan here was not just just to

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Some problems.

2020-07-17 Thread Michael Meeks
cture things to be deliberately unfair. To a large degree TDF helps to seed the environment for the ecosystem to flourish around the codebase and fulfill its mission with it. Arguably (and I would say this) TDF cannot fill every niche, and serve every market itself - for a host of reasons. On 14/07

Re: [board-discuss] New Version of Strategic Marcom Plan

2020-07-15 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, On 15/07/2020 18:48, kainz.a wrote: > If you are at an LibreOffice conference there are 40% people from > ecosystem and 40% volunteers. By head-count - there are a vast number of volunteers doing great stuff, they completely swamp the full-time paid developer head count. Many

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Some problems.

2020-07-14 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Jonathon, On 12/07/2020 20:32, toki wrote: > On 2020/07/08 12:40, Michael Meeks wrote: >> I think Thorsten stated more cleanly as: >> >> "The market for desktop libreoffice is tough; >> sales cycles frequently count in multiple years"

Re: [board-discuss] Big organisations not contributing

2020-07-14 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Leo, On 13/07/2020 22:07, Leo Moons wrote: > It strikes me that there's a lot of talk about large organizations, that > don't contribute to the community. But why not talk to these > organizations? Its a good idea, and of course everyone is trying to do that. For example when C'bra fi

Re: [board-discuss] Proposed rebranding in global perspective

2020-07-13 Thread Michael Meeks
edition is not > something you want to rely on in an "enterprise" setting. Fair enough. > I'd like to thank Michael Meeks for his thought-provoking analysis, > though, which makes the motivations behing the branding change more > understandable. While I'm not

Re: [board-discuss] Some problems.

2020-07-13 Thread Michael Meeks
essage would be great that does this differentiation in one place outside of the software. > Ultimately, the goal should be to somehow convince organizations > currently using other office suites to migrate to LibreOffice > (Enterprise), and I think that the popularity of TDF's Li

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Discussion about options available with marketing plan draft and timetable

2020-07-13 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Regina, First - thank you for your help getting at least one TDF tender un-blocked to get that ODF 1.3 support implemented. That's much appreciated :-) On 13/07/2020 14:13, Regina Henschel wrote: > "Edition" itself is dangerous too, because it implies, that the download > from TDF migh

Re: [board-discuss] Some problems.

2020-07-13 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Uwe, On 13/07/2020 11:01, Uwe Altmann wrote: > TLTR?: Become a professional managed organization I imagine it's not just Italo that has concerns with that =) > Teach people that LibreOffice is not the gratis version of MS > Office but a real great idea which they can and shall suppor

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Personal: and software freedom.

2020-07-13 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Toki, On 13/07/2020 01:11, toki wrote: > By way of example, whenever I open a document in> Apache OpenOffice I think I've detected the location of the bug already. > and that AOo and LibO are slowly migrating towards > mutual incompatibility. I expect that this is a matter of

Re: [board-discuss] Discussion about options available with marketing plan draft and timetable

2020-07-13 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Toki, On 12/07/2020 22:41, toki wrote: > They might be mistaken, but in as much as Collabora has > stated that they have had zero new customers since 2018 To correct this mis-apprehension; I spoke about new Desktop product customers, and Thorsten reported a similar experience at CIB.

[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Personal: and software freedom.

2020-07-11 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Lionel, First - thanks for your thoughtful feedback. I essentially agree =) On 10/07/2020 02:40, Lionel Élie Mamane wrote: > Redhat will sell you a yearly subscription for a single workstation, > as low as 180 USD. So will SuSE for 32 GBP. Will any ecosystem company > scale down ? That

Re: [board-discuss] Discussion about options available with marketing plan draft and timetable

2020-07-10 Thread Michael Meeks
On 10/07/2020 11:12, Florian Effenberger wrote: > With all the feedback received, I strongly propose to leave 7.0 without > tagging and finalize the plan for a later release. I share Thorsten's view. While I've generally been a big proponent of getting everything nailed down in one try,

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Personal: and software freedom.

2020-07-10 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Kev, I havn't had a chance to get back to your rather detailed and interesting feedback en-mass; but let me respond to just this one (nearly totally off-topic) nugget =) On 10/07/2020 05:15, Kev M wrote: > Personally, in the IT world, I usually ignore the "contact us for > pricing" ven

Re: [board-discuss] Discussion about options available with marketing plan draft and timetable

2020-07-09 Thread Michael Meeks
On 09/07/2020 17:00, Paolo Vecchi wrote: > That was a temporary placeholder used while the developers implemented a > potential tag line features that may or may not be used depending on the If nothing else, it served a good purpose to actually get the discussion started after we'd had s

[board-discuss] LibreOffice Personal & TDF's statutes & purpose

2020-07-09 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Alex, On 06/07/2020 10:27, Alexander Werner wrote in bugzilla at > https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134486#c23 > Cleary, The Document Foundation must release a version that is open > to all intended audiences. As clearly stated in the statues, the > intended audience is: ever

Re: [board-discuss] UPDATED Draft Marketing Plan 2020-2025

2020-07-09 Thread Michael Meeks
On 09/07/2020 16:23, Italo Vignoli wrote: > All community members should look regularly at the dashboard, is a very > useful tool which provides a good overview of activities. Indeed; you can see it here: https://dashboard.documentfoundation.org/ Though I believe it is

Re: [board-discuss] Personal Edition label and define is wrong.

2020-07-09 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Peter, On 07/07/2020 00:46, Peter Dolding wrote: > Well will all new enterprise need features now appear in the > "LibreOffice Enterprise" first and then "LibreOffice Enterprise" users > have to beta test them before they come to Personal Edition? I think there were some slides which

[board-discuss] Personal: and software freedom.

2020-07-09 Thread Michael Meeks
re interested. Clearly next time we'll do more shouting from the roof-tops. > And I personally think, arguments like Michael Meeks (quoting from IRC): > > "Individual users don't need to contribute, but they would be OK with > Personal. But corporate users, that also

[board-discuss] Re: Some problems.

2020-07-08 Thread Michael Meeks
One clarification since it caused some private questions: On 07/07/2020 21:13, Michael Meeks wrote: > Collabora - despite C'bra still putting a lot of work into > LibreOffice Desktop, having an outstanding support capability, doing > lots of marketing, being the largest code

[board-discuss] Some problems.

2020-07-07 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi all, This is a short summary of some of the problems that I see with LibreOffice, and this is written with my personal / Collabora hat on. People are welcome to question my motivations - but my mission is to try to nurture a successful FLOSS project that creates excellent FLOSS Office P

Re: [board-discuss] Involvement of the board in the Marketing Plan

2020-06-26 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Sam, On 26/06/2020 17:32, Sam Tuke wrote: > It seems like only one member of the current Board of Directors was > present in that meeting (though there may have been some who stayed > silent; please correct me). Interestingly the slides were also posted here a week ago, and discussed i

Re: [board-discuss] OwnCloud offering

2020-03-19 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Uwe, On 19/03/2020 10:23, Uwe Altmann wrote: > Just got a mail from OwnCloud offering owncloud.online as "ownCloud as a> > Service" - advertising "integrated OnlyOffice for easy and secure > real-time collaboration on documents, spreadsheets and presentations" > > Is someone there to talk to

Re: [board-discuss] Invitation to public TDF board meeting on Friday, March 13th at 1300 Berlin time

2020-03-11 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Drew, On 11/03/2020 17:43, Drew Jensen wrote: > I was wondering about the 'FOSDEM goals' is there something that should > be read before that meeting or is the meeting meant to introduce them? The latter =) the old & new boards came up with some key goals for the year a month or go or

Re: [board-discuss] How is TDC compelled to keep the user first?

2020-02-28 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Brett, First thank you for your questions; cogent, lucid, well articulated & challenging :-) On 28/02/2020 14:04, Brett Cornwall wrote: > Other Free Software projects have had for-profit entities created > underneath the stewardship of a non-profit; Mozilla Corporation and > Canonical

Re: [board-discuss] Trademark policy

2020-02-28 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Dennis, On 28/02/2020 13:04, Dennis Roczek wrote: > you just were telling us in the public part of the board meeting that > the TDF can remove the trade mark of the TDC with a prenotification of > 30 days. That is the plan. > Is the trade mark policy basically the one published in the

[board-discuss] Representation statement

2020-02-20 Thread Michael Meeks
I, Michael Meeks, elected member of the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, hereby and until further notice, nominate the following deputies to represent me during board calls and meetings, in the order set forth below: 1. Nicolas Christener 2. Paolo Vecchi -- Michael

Re: [board-discuss] Representation statement

2020-02-20 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, On 20/02/2020 13:57, Andreas Mantke wrote: > Am 20.02.20 um 14:47 schrieb Franklin Weng: >> I, Franklin Weng, elected member of the Board of Directors of The >> Document Foundation, hereby and until further notice, nominate the >> following deputies to represent me during board calls a

Re: [board-discuss] creation of The Document Collective (TDC)

2020-02-07 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Dennis, On 07/02/2020 17:43, Dennis Roczek wrote: There are some attractions however to having multiple jurisdictions involved - we've really appreciated the flexibility that SPI has helped us with over the years (as an example). As I do not find the numbers in the already published led

[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of BoD role

2020-01-09 Thread Michael Meeks
Thanks Gabriele, I, Michael Meeks, elected Director of the Board of "The Document Foundation", hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts "The Document Foundation". My term will start February 18, 2020. Signed: Michael Meeks Ich, Michael Meeks, ge

Re: [board-discuss] Self-nomination for next Board

2019-12-07 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, I for one am grateful for all candidates that stand in the election. I expect each of them to act as individuals in the best interest of TDF and for all of them to have a shared primary affiliation to LibreOffice. I also think we should be encouraging those people that stand, a

Re: [board-discuss] Diversity Is Key?

2019-11-29 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, As you know, I'm a fan of you & your work on improving LibreOffice. What you write is (I assume) intended as humorous, but doesn't seem a terribly fair characterization from many angles. I'm rather encouraged that lots of board members want to make TDF a saf

[board-discuss] Candidacy: Michael Meeks

2019-11-27 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi everyone, Just a quick note to say that I intend to run again for a seat on the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation. Self-nomination feels uncomfortable as a concept, but here goes: * Who am I ? I'm Michael Meeks: Christian, Husband, Hacker, 42 years old, I try to she

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] public vote resolution on TDC (The Document Collective)

2019-09-30 Thread Michael Meeks
On 30/09/2019 11:12, Marina Latini wrote: > at the end of the last board meeting (27.09.2019) I was asked to send > out this email vote to be posted on this public board-discuss list. > > The following vote was proposed during the last meeting: > > --

Re: [board-discuss] creation of The Document Collective (TDC)

2019-09-26 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Uwe, On 26/09/2019 15:28, Uwe Altmann wrote: > Just read the paper. It raised some questions. It would probably help to come to the next board call and raise your concerns. > And what I do not understand at all is the reasons there is such a > complicated and a difficult to zero contr

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] Host the ODF Toolkit project at TDF

2018-11-30 Thread Michael Meeks
On 30/11/2018 17:03, Thorsten Behrens wrote: > as the discussion seems to have calmed down, and also folks over at > Apache seem to be supportive - let me call a vote: > > * TDF to formally offer the ASF to take over the ODF Toolkit project > * by copying the existing github repo (minus perhaps

Re: [board-discuss] Apache ODF Toolkit migration

2018-11-28 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Michael, First - thanks for working on this, (and Svante too) - it looks positive overall. On 28/11/2018 09:40, Michael Stahl wrote: > so i'll propose to migrate the ODF Toolkit to The Document Foundation. Seems like something the BoD should vote on, In general, subject to the

Re: [board-discuss] About LibreOffice Online

2018-10-10 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Daniel, On 10/10/18 14:51, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote: > Is there any plan to add another way to deploy LibreOffice Online to the > current docker image alternative? https://hub.docker.com/r/libreoffice/online/ Has a LibreOffice Online image. HTH, Mich

Re: [board-discuss] Re: License information for extensions on LO's extension site

2018-08-31 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas, (and thanks for raising this Stephan) I appreciate the work that you do maintaining the extensions repository - and it is always difficult to handle feedback. As you know - if people have a legal concern - they are encouraged to raise it directly with legal@ -

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