Hi Andreas,

        I for one am grateful for all candidates that stand in the
election. I expect each of them to act as individuals in the best
interest of TDF and for all of them to have a shared primary
affiliation to LibreOffice. I also think we should be encouraging
those people that stand, and not trying to create tribal wedges.

        At Collabora we encourage our staff to do what they think best
in LibreOffice & TDF - and we have no say at all over what our
partners do there; I thoroughly dislike your implication to the
contrary. However, if people are worried by that (as apparently you
are) they should have all the information they need to vote

On 07/12/2019 09:15, Andreas Mantke wrote:
>>> Full Name: Paolo Vecchi
>>> Affiliation: Omnis Systems Ltd and Omnis Cloud Sarl
>> I want only to ask a short question. I looked on the Omnis Systems
>> website and wonder, if you are providing NextCloud and Koprano with
>> text editing as a service, aren't you?
> because there is no answer to my question, I assume the answer would
> disclose an affiliation to one company with a lot of candidates

        So this is the second person you've made an unreasonable
public assumption about on this list, in this election. Personally I
like Paolo, he's a nice guy - I hope being friendly is not also a
grounds for suspicion (?)

        However I can confirm that Omnis is not a Collabora partner -
otherwise I would expect Paolo to have mentioned that. If Omnis is
distributing and contributing to the software (both things people
should be encouraged to do) it does so as its own participant in the



michael.me...@collabora.com <><, GM Collabora Productivity
Hangout: mejme...@gmail.com, Skype: mmeeks
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