On 02.01.2023 12:08, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Hi Marina, all,
marina latini wrote:
The WollMux repos are now under the LibreOffice GitHub organisation
that, to my understanding, should be just a read only mirror from
our git instance hosting the LibreOffice source code.
That place was picked
Hello Thorsten, hi all,
Thanks for taking care of those changes. I have a doubt that I would like to
clarify before starting to have contributors pushing changes to this new place.
The WollMux repos are now under the LibreOffice GitHub organisation that, to my
understanding, should be just a re
some of the feedback we shared in this
discussion are now listed as new GitHub issues. Thanks for that. :)
Happy hacking and have a lot of fun,
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documentfoundation.org
Problems? https:/
's legal counsel.
The board resolution can't mix up the two things. If the resolution is
really intended to cover the "full package", your proposal is actually
incomplete and can't be voted on.
My two cents,
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
[8] https://www.libreoffice.org/about-us/security/
[10] https://github.com/WollMux/WollMux/issues/398
[11] https://wollmux.org/
[12] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/egovernm
df (non-binding
[2] https://elections.documentfoundation.org/results.php?election_id=14
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
The Document Foundation, Kur
I, Marina Latini, elected member of the Membership Committee of The
Document Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung
bürgerlichen Rechts.
My term will start September 19, 2022.
Signed: Marina Latini
Ich, Marina Latini, gewähltes Mitglied des Mitglieder-Komitees der The
I hope that this clarifies even more what I would like to focus on in
this term if the Board of Trustees will decide to re-elect me.
Thanks a lot and happy hacking,
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documen
Dear Community,
as some of you already know, I'm not "new at TDF" and at the same time I
would like to share more about me and my background.
I'm Marina Latini, an Italian living in Germany from 2018.
If I should start to describe myself a bit more I could definitely
Please, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any question.
[ 0 ]
Thanks a lot for your support and commitment.
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the
df (non-binding
[2] https://elections.documentfoundation.org/results.php?election_id=14
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
The Document Foundation, Kurfürsten
dered too.
...this sounds to me that community members not part of the Board of
Trustees can't really participate but only "listen" but as I wrote
before I'm probably missing the full picture here.
My two cents,
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
to take an action on this.
I agree that usually TDF doesn't make political statements and this is
an exceptional case that deserves a clear position from our foundation.
I support this motion too and I hope to see an official reply from our
board soon.
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alph
ove what I just wrote,
At least from my developer's perspective, I totally agree with what you
Thanks again,
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documentfoundation.org
Problems? https://www.libreof
ion making - which has the potential to significantly exacerbate
conflict and division I feel.
...talking about trolling, I was indeed missing yet another comment
against the CoI policy.
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discu
eel represented.
...and I fully agree again.
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documentfoundation.org
Problems? https://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
Posting guideline
alf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, Gabriel Masei, elected deputy director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: Gabriel Masei
Ich, Gabriel Masei,
alf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, Ayhan Yalçınsoy, elected deputy director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: Ayhan Yalçınsoy
Ich, Ayhan
Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, László Németh, elected director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: László Németh
Ich, László Németh, gewähltes Mi
alf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, Gábor Kelemen, elected deputy director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: Gábor Kelemen
Ich, Gábor Kelemen,
Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, Cor Nouws, elected director of the board of The Document Foundation,
hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts. My
term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: Cor Nouws
Ich, Cor Nouws, gewähltes Mitglied des Vorstan
Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, Caolán McNamara, elected director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: Caolán McNamara
Ich, Caolán McNamara,
Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, Emiliano Vavassori, elected director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: Emiliano Vavassori
Ich, Emiliano
Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, Jan Holešovský, elected director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: Jan Holešovský
Ich, Jan Holešovský, gewählte
Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, Paolo Vecchi, elected director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: Paolo Vecchi
Ich, Paolo Vecchi, gewähltes Mi
Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
I, Thorsten Behrens, elected director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
Signed: Thorsten Behrens
Ich, Thorsten Behrens,
e newly elected Board of Directors will only be in charge beginning
from February 18, 2022.
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 18
For further details, please check my previous message:
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
The Docu
For reference, details of the whole election process are in the first
announcement, to be found here:
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
page on Wikipedia[3].
You can find more information on this election directly from the
election website[2] that includes also the list of candidates with their
affiliations and candidacy statements[4].
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.
his election directly from the
election website[1] that includes also the list of candidates with their
affiliations and candidacy statements[3].
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
[1] https://elections.documentfoundat
those information are missing.
Could you please reply to this message providing:
- full name
- e-mail address
- corporate affiliation
- a statement of up to 75 words
Thanks for your support and your understanding.
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https
u don't want to be recorded remember to keep your video off.
- If you don't want to have your voice recorded, feel free to type in
the chat.
- Please, keep in mind that also the chat will be recorded.
If something is unclear, please, feel free to reach out.
On behalf of the Membership
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
he biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
is its biggest opportunity?
11. If they will occur, how do you think to handle conflicts within the
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Marina Latini, Chai
moderation of the sessions.
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/sCzCUqAF3DLM4mVmScmCyKBZ
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the
ip Committee as soon as possible by
sending an email to electi...@documentfoundation.org.
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alph
f the democratic life
of our Foundation and now you have the opportunity to stand up and make
the difference
At this link[0] you can see the full timeline of the election.
[0] https://listarchives.tdf.io/i/tFJzSYUUGcSjf0c0NtNiEOou
Don't be shy, stand up!
Sincerely yours,
lecti...@documentfoundation.org (which reaches the Membership Committee
in private).
On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini
[1] https://www.documentfoundation.org/satzung.pdf (binding German
version) and https://www.documentfoundation.org/statutes.pdf
(non-binding English translation)
Marina L
actions. I suggest the Board
simply vote on this action directly, in the light of all the available
public information.
This is the minimum common understanding that TDF should agree on.
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discus
osing to disconnect FSF from their governance,
TDF's Board should also consider removal of FSF from their advisory
board, at least temporarily until it has achieved representative
Agree, what happened is unbelievable and TDF should take distance.
Marina Latini
IRC: dene
end together, planning for new exciting things.
We want to renew our offer to moderate conflicts and work in a
constructive way to achieve a solution that could make all the parties
Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IR
I, Marina Latini, elected member of the Membership Committee of The
Document Foundation, hereby accept this role within the Stiftung
Bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start September 19, 2020.
Signed: Marina Latini
Ich, Marina Latini, gewähltes Mitglied des Mitglieder-Komitees der The
big projects in parallel could bring to a chaos where
the MC members can't really focus on the goals.
Please, keep also in mind that the MC has less people than the board of
directors and the goal to grow the number of contributors and members is
already a challenging one. ;)
aving the Membership Committee for joining the other body will
reduce the number of available MC members taking care of the important
responsibility the MC has.
Please, let me know if this clarifies your questions.
Have a nice evening,
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_
nt of our daily Foundation life.
If you have further questions, please, don't hesitate to contact me.
Full name: Marina Latini
E-mail address: marina.lat...@libreoffice.org
Corporate affiliation: SUSE
Location: I'm Italian but based in Germany
I will provide information on all future changes as
I hope to keep the good relationships established with all of you also
when the term will end.
I wish all the best to the new elected board.
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why: https://evil32.com/
To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-discuss+unsubscr...@documentfoundation.org
info: Board elections
01. info: Board meetings - workflow for agenda composition and items to
be discussed
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Director
On 30.09.2019 12:12, Marina Latini wrote:
The following vote was proposed during the last meeting:
The Board RESOLVES to start creation of The Document Collective
(TDC) by taking the following acts:
- Broadly, to implement
endent legal entity as soon as practical,
with governance implementing the concepts in the Board's
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Free
scuss: safety improvements for events
2. discuss: dedicated sponsorship program for students
3. discuss: new Certification category discussion
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina L
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why: https://evil32.com/
The Document Foundation, Kurfürsten
: new Certification Category
2. Discuss and vote: Carbon Policy
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alp
Board meetings and agenda
2. Discussion: Budget/guide lines for inviting members to conferences
3. Discuss: new Certification Category discussion
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina L
tings and agenda
2. Discuss: new Certification Category discussion
3. Discuss: marketing strategy
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Dear Community,
this Friday's (2019-05-24) board call is CANCELLED.
The next scheduled board call will be on Friday, June 7. Hear you then!
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, send us a
message with your request and join the next available meeting.
Dear Community,
this Friday's (2019-05-10) board call is CANCELLED.
The next scheduled board call will be on Friday, May 24. Hear you then!
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, send us a
message with your request and join the next available meeting.
quest and join the next available meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why:
t and join the next available meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0x3DB82837F010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8
2837 F010 C774
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 18
quest and join the next available meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why:
t and join the next available meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010 C774
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why: htt
te on extensions & templates page (Florian, 5 minutes)
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
quest and join the next available meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010 C774
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why:
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316
ffice Online for other organizations
2) quarterly reports
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenod
lkit.org domain
> Vote is open for the usual 72h.
I approve the proposal.
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010 C774
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why: https://evil32.com/
ffice Online for other organizations
2) FOSDEM meeting and agenda
3) quarterly reports
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 34974
I, Marina Latini, elected member and Chairwoman of the Board of
Directors of The Document Foundation, hereby and until further notice,
nominate the following deputies to represent me during board calls and
meetings, in the order set forth below:
1. Jan Holešovský
2. Simon Phipps
2) Budget for the Hackfest in Munich
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
Dear Ahmad,
Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
your election as member of the Membership Committee.
Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by
answering to this message with a "Reply all".
With best regards,
Dear Muhammet,
Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
your election as member of the Membership Committee.
Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by
answering to this message with a "Reply all".
With best regards,
Dear Ilmari,
Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
your election as member of the Membership Committee.
Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by
answering to this message with a "Reply all".
With best regards,
Dear Dennis,
Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
your election as member of the Membership Committee.
Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by
answering to this message with a "Reply all".
With best regards,
Dear Jona,
Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
your election as member of the Membership Committee.
Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by
answering to this message with a "Reply all".
With best regards,
Dear Gustavo,
Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
your election as member of the Membership Committee.
Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by
answering to this message with a "Reply all".
With best regards,
en Weghorn
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why: https://evil32.com/
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 here is why: https://evil32.com/
The Document Foundation, Kurfürst
Dear Gabriele,
Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
your election as member of the Membership Committee.
Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by
answering to this message with a "Reply all".
With best regards,
With best regards,
Marina Latini
on behalf of The Document Foundation board of directors
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010
your request and join the next available meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010
Better use 64-bit 0x3DB82837F010C774 her
to match your ballot.
With best regards,
Marina Latini
on behalf of The Document Foundation board of directors
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 28
e election you have the opportunity to express your preferences
and elect your representatives at the Membership Committee. Don't loose
this opportunity and take an active part in the daily life of The
Document Foundation.
Your vote can make the difference!
Sincerely yours,
e one, decisions and results will be made
public as soon as possible, given our approach of transparency, taking
into account § 8 III c 2nd sentence.
Looking forward to meet all of you in Tirana.
[1] https://www.documentfoundation.org/statutes.pdf
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the
8-09-04, 00:00 CEST/UTC+2 (i.e. beginning of the day 04)
until 2018-09-10, 24:00 CEST/UTC+2 (i.e. end of the day 10).
Don't panic, make the difference and don't forget to caste your vote!
Sincerely yours,
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 349748281
lent, the passion and the
vision to be a great member of the Membership Committee of The Document
[0] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Diversity
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jonatoni
Name: Jona Azizaj
email: jonaazi...@libreoffice.org
affiliation: Collabora
App Store
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini
IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010 C774
[2] https://www.documentfoundation.org/governance/mc/
Sincerely yours,
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8
2. LibreOffice in Microsoft App Store
If you have something to discuss with the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key
Dear community,
The board has no public nor private urgent topics to be discussed during
the next meeting and we cancelled it.
Feel free to join us during the next public call on August 17th.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on
sults of the election have to happen
until the deadline set forth above, via e-mail to
electi...@documentfoundation.org (which reaches the Board of Directors
in private).
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Marina Latini
[1] https://www.documentfoundation.org/satzung.pdf (binding version) and
the board, please, reply to this
message and join us during the meeting.
Marina Latini, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on Freenode
GPG key "ID" 0xF010C774 - DAEC 51E7 4316 5FAE EAE0 F256 3DB8 2837 F010 C774
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