Dear Community,
in the last months I took some time to look at our Project and Community from a different perspective. My daily job at SUSE, completely unrelated to LibreOffice, finally gave me also the independence and the opportunity to look with different eyes at what we are now as a Community and as a Foundation.

2020 is also a special year for our Community given that we are celebrating our 10th anniversary as an independent Project. I'm not looking at the past with the nostalgic eyes of someone that would search for a way to bring the project back to the early days and, at the same time, I think it's quite normal to try to look at what we achieved and what could be improved and how.

From 2007 I saw the community growing, claiming for independence and I had the honour to see TDF improving day by day from 2010 on. Now that we reached a good stability and independence, I think it's time to focus more in establishing stronger relationships between our local Community members, Contributors, and the Foundation itself, increasing the number of TDF Members and giving a voice to all the underrepresented Contributors and new potential users that found too high the barriers for joining our Project. I also consider it fundamental to open our Project to other open source communities that share with us similar ideas and goals and take the chance of looking at other improvements opportunities and constant growth.

I already had the honour to serve this Community for two terms as board member and chairperson and today I would like to share with all of you my desire to run for the new Membership Committee elections and, if elected, to continue to serve our Project not only as contributor but also as active element of our daily Foundation life.

If you have further questions, please, don't hesitate to contact me.

Full name: Marina Latini
E-mail address:
Corporate affiliation: SUSE
Location: I'm Italian but based in Germany

I will provide information on all future changes as soon as possible.

-- 75 words statement --
I think it's now time to focus on establishing stronger relationships between our local Communities and TDF itself, increasing the number of TDF Members and giving a voice to the underrepresented Contributors and new potential users that found too high the barriers for joining our Project. I also consider it fundamental to open our Project to other open source communities that share with us similar goals to join forces for constant growth.

Have a lot of fun!

Marina Latini
openSUSE Board: deneb_alpha
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