Re: [board-discuss] Questions To MC Candidates

2020-08-30 Thread Jeff Huang
a) No, but I read the minutes when I am free. b) For me, I don't think we need cooling down time for this, but if most of our members consider that we need it, I will not be against it. Regards, Jeff Huang Andreas Mantke 於 2020年8月28日 週五 下午2:19寫道: > Hi, > > I have two first qu

[board-discuss] Re: self-nominations - election to next TDF's Membership Committee

2020-08-21 Thread Jeff Huang
-- # -- Full name: Po-Yen Huang (Jeff Huang) Email address: Affiliation: None I will provide information on all future changes as soon as possible. My 75 words official candidacy statement: I would like to join the Membership Committee because I want to find more people (

[board-discuss] Re: self-nominations - election to next TDF's Membership Committee

2020-08-20 Thread Jeff Huang
Full Name: Po-Yen Huang (Jeff Huang) Email: Affiliation: None My 75 words official candidacy statement: This my first time to be candidate to the MC. I hope we can attract more people (from more countries and regions) to join us. Then provide our members and community

[board-discuss] self-nominations - election to next TDF's Membership Committee

2020-08-20 Thread Jeff Huang
Hi everyone, I'm Po-Yen Huang. I'm a TDF member about 4 years. I would like to join Membership Committee because I want to find more people who want to contribute (or contributing) to LibreOffice project (especially asian). I could help them on Translating, QA and Marketing stuff. Then help them be