Dear members & Board of Directors of The Document Foundation,

I’m candidate in the next elections to the Membership Committee.

Who I am:
I'm Po-Yen Huang from Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. I'm the TDF member about four
years. I did translating and user support for LibreOffice community.

Why I'm candidate to the MC:
I would like to join the Membership Committee because I want to find more
people who want to contribute (or contributing) to LibreOffice project
(especially asian). I could help them on Translating, QA and Marketing
stuff. Then help them become TDF members.

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Full name: Po-Yen Huang (Jeff Huang)
Email address:
Affiliation: None

I will provide information on all future changes as soon as possible.

My 75 words official candidacy statement:
I would like to join the Membership Committee because I want to find more
people (from more different countries and regions) who want to contribute
(or contributing) to LibreOffice project. I could help them on Translating,
QA and Marketing stuff. Then help them become TDF members.

Jeff Huang <> 於 2020年8月20日 週四 下午3:53寫道:

> Hi everyone, I'm Po-Yen Huang. I'm a TDF member about 4 years. I would
> like to join Membership Committee because I want to find more people who
> want to contribute (or contributing) to LibreOffice project (especially
> asian). I could help them on Translating, QA and Marketing stuff. Then help
> them become TDF member.
> Best Regards,
> Po-Yen Huang

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