in the DNSKEY
rrset. "dnssec-settime" sets the timing metadata for the key so that named
will delete it next time it reads the key file. "rndc loadkeys" tells
it to read the file.
The key should be deleted from the zone now, and you can remove the
key files saf
writing of) such a shim provider?
We'd certainly be happy for any assistance.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:30:33AM -0700, David Newman wrote:
> After that second procedure (and also chown'ing the keyfiles to the bind
> user), the command 'dig +dnssec +multi dnskey' gives
> different results depending on which nameserver gets the query:
> Hidden primary (not auth
to the internal TLD.
I'm not sure that what you're doing should work, but it definitely
shouldn't fail by crashing the server, so either way we ought to fix
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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ed, an existing key scheduled for deletion, a standby key activated,
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bind-users mail
version of BIND 9.9; it contains a preview of new features that will be
rolled out to the general public in the 9.11 release: negative trust
anchors and a few other items.
9.9.7-S5 is the most up-to-date version of that branch.
Evan Hunt -- e
s out the work of resigning over a longer
period of time to reduce the load on the server. (And a lot of people
prefer smaller IXFRs anyway.)
You can adjust the resigning interval, or force a full resign with
"rndc sign".
Evan Hunt --
Internet Syst
On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 03:30:43PM +0100, Phil Mayers wrote:
> I'm a tiny bit uncomfortable exposing the detailed config here given
> what it does.
You can open a bug ticket at ISC's bug
database is closed and confidential for this exact reason.
Evan Hunt
same stuff by cloning
the development branch in our git repository at (I
can't guarantee not to have broken anything recently, though.)
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
Please visit https://lists.isc.
On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 03:37:23PM +0100, wrote:
> Can someone please confirm if the BIND 9.10 ARM documentation is wrong?
Yes, the grammar was copied incorrectly into the ARM. Thanks for
pointing it out.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium,
};" to your options. If you
want it back for all clients, then use "no-case-compress { any; };".
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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you'll get a fraction of the
performance. If you have a low-traffic server, that might not be a
concern for you.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
Please visit t
In servers that still have the old hints, H wouldn't respond to the
priming query, but all the other root servers would, and named
would learn the new address for H from one of them, so H will work
fine thereafter.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
itory at
Authoritative support for ECS is already in place. Some design work has
been done toward recursive support, but it's not likely to be implemented
until someone funds the development.
Evan Hunt --
s the errors i seen from named on my slave dns
> : named.conf:584: writeable file 'db.file-1': already in use: named.conf:194
On a slave server, named transfers the zone from elsewhere and writes a
copy into a local file. These all need to
#x27;s mandatory in that case (named needs to
know where to put the .signed file and the journal files), but I believe
it's optional otherwise.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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I would suggest slaving the local zone instead of forwarding it.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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bind-users mailing list
rust up to the root zone.
2) Have all your local resolvers slave the local TLD. When a server gives
out an authoritative answer to a query, it doesn't bother to validate it,
because when you're the authority you already *know* whether you're giving
the correct answer.
Evan Hun
Using it in a production environment would not be a
good idea.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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certainly not as long as
there's a continued need for it.
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Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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records aren't there now, I would guess you either already
cleared them at some point, or else some other signing mechanism was
used such as dnssec-signzone instead of the automatic signing in named.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
, which will have an implementation of something like
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
Please visit to
> So, it might actually mean "as big as possible".
> Consult the source code to be sure.
Tony did consult the source code, upthread. And he was correct: for this
particular option, zero does mean zero.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Syst
geoip.h in bin/named/include/named
That file is part of BIND. Look for GeoIP.h, with the capital letters.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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ition on BDB dependency & support, and implementation
> any alternative such as LMDB, going forward?
We have no position on the licensing issue. Technically, the DLZ modules
are considered contributed code and are not formally supported by ISC,
though we do make our best effort to fix bugs. If
dlopen" part is enabled by default already, and the
others are unnecessary.)
Then "cd contrib/dlz/modules/bdbhpt" (or whichever one you want to use),
and run "make". The resulting .so file needs to be put somewhere that
named can find it. There's a sample configuration
quot;Dynamically Loadable Zones" is, in retrospect, unfortunate. Now
that it's possible to load DLZ modules at runtime with dlopen(), that means
you can have dynamically loadable Dynamically Loadable Zones zones. Sorry
about that.)
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consor
On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 11:59:41PM +, Evan Hunt wrote:
> (The name "Dynamically Loadable Zones" is, in retrospect, unfortunate. Now
> that it's possible to load DLZ modules at runtime with dlopen(), that means
> you can have dynamically loadable Dynamically Loadable Zo
On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 07:40:38AM -0700, wrote:
> I'm working on generating TSIG keys for use with my bind server.
I think you'll be happier if you use "tsig-keygen" instead of "dnssec-keygen".
Evan Hunt --
mat you'd get by simply typing
(The name "tsig-keygen" was introduced in BIND 9.10; prior to that,
the tool was called "ddns-confgen", and it did essentially the same
thing as it does now, but with some extra comments in the
ct what *should* be there, but the collision-
checking function is expectingly DNSKEY, and so it complains.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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recursive support in a subsequent release.
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bind-users mailing list
s version of BIND.
> Hopefully it’s a one-off. Let me know if there is any more information I
> can provide.
This article lists useful information to include in bug reports.
I'll follow up with you about this by private mail.
Evan Hunt -- e..
We're testing it for a few more days before we publish, just to
make sure there isn't another error we haven't spotted yet, but this
seems almost certain to be it.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Sy
ck a few bucks of their
> ill-gotten gains to you guys. All I can say is once you have your
> shiny new license I'm going to be mighty POed if you don't sue
> the pants off the next one of those companies that uses the BIND code
> and effs it up to make an example for the
s disappointing to me to add any burden to
it at all. I do like eating, though, and I won't be able to fix as many
bugs if I have to stop doing that. :/
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
Please visit https://
On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 08:06:55PM +, Evan Hunt wrote:
> On a personal level, I actually agree with you, and I find the idea of
> relicensing somewhat regrettable. It's not that I'm against the GPL, I
> think software creators should be able to share their work on whateve
o that there's only one copy of the zone
shared by both views. Or else use a different file name for the zone in
each view, so the two copies of the zone aren't stepping on each other.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
servers in order to blah blah etc" and it might be nice to just say no.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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; view: default
> next scheduled event: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 19:16:47 GMT
> name: .
> keyid: 20326
> algorithm: RSASHA256
> flags: SEP
> next refresh: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 19:16:47 GMT
> trusted since: Mon, 03 Feb 2020 18:10:26 GMT
"trusted since" indicates it manag
On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 02:58:12PM -0400, Matthew Pounsett wrote:
> It looks to me like named-checkzone isn't able to read a zone file from
> stdin.
You didn't mention what version you're running, but IIRC, this was
added in 9.16.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Sy
On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 10:22:55PM +, Evan Hunt wrote:
> You didn't mention what version you're running, but IIRC, this was
> added in 9.16.
My mistake, 9.17.
On most Unices you can specify /dev/stdin as the filename though, and
that should work with any version.
> MMDDxx number - date it was last 'modified'. Would be perfect for
> small zones that are rarely updated.
I think the zone option "serial-update-method date;" does this. (I haven't
tested it with dnssec-policy though.)
Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.o
thing unusual in your server configuration?
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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any chance?
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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bind-users mailing list in a
> update add in a
> update add in a
> update add in a
> send
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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> Does BIND have a DoH plugin official?
> Or is there any guide to customize that one?
Not yet, but we plan to have a DoH implementation in named by the end of
this year.
In the meantime, there are DoH proxies that can run BIND as the back-end.
Evan Hunt --
Internet S
nfiguration for an nginx proxy in the BIND source tree under
contrib/dnspriv that you can use now, if you wish.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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be largely unchanged, with the exception that a
couple of very infrequently used keywords like "areacode" and "netspeed"
became unavailable in the new API, and three-letter country codes are
now obsolete. "Country" is definitely st
Ah, thank you, I hadn't seen that.
The only thing I see in that article that's out of date is that
the "--with-geoip" option is no longer needed, or valid; it's
"--with-maxminddb" now, and it's enabl
ld system.
The ones in contrib/dlz/drivers ones do need to be linked in at compile
time, so they still turn up as configure options even though they're
kinda obsolete now.
I expect them to go away in 9.17/9.18; the only reason they're still there
now is that a few of them support databas
>1. Can bind support DoH and DoT
>2. If yes Which version of bind support DoH or DoT
It's in development now. The plan is for it to be supported in 9.18 when it
comes out next year, and backported to the 9.16 branch as a compile-time
Evan Hunt --
Old syntax will continue working so old named.conf files don't
need to be changed, at least for the next several releases.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
Please visit
reason not to select the strongest - HMAC-SHA512?
No, go ahead. I tend to use sha256, just because it's the default
from rndc-confgen.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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her domains listed there will be ignored. So, this would already not
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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ISC funds
You can just regex out all the DNSSEC-related types. Something like
this ought to work:
$ named-compilezone -f raw -F text -s full -o - | \
awk '$4 ~ /(DNSKEY|DS|RRSIG|NSEC|NSEC3|NSEC3PARAM)/ {next} {print}'
Evan Hunt --
cally sorted.
"named" can do this automatically if you dynamically update a zone and
remove the DNSKEY rrset. I think "dnssec-signzone -SPRQ" would do it if you
marked the keys as deleted with "dnssec-settime" first; I haven't tested
this, but it should. But I th
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions.
ia "reconfig" either. Views
don't scale well. Finding the correct view for a query is a linear search,
so your performance will decline quite badly if you have more than a few
views to search through.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
e an example to achieve the same?
match-clients { !geoip country A; !geoip country B; !geoip country C; any; };
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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t;sudo sh bin/tests/system/ up").
I think the message got lost when we switched to automake.
Some tests will be skipped if there are missing dependencies, so you may
also wish to install the Net::DNS, Net::DNS::Nameserver and XML::Simple
modules for perl, and dnspython for pyth
build under MinGW. (I'd be happy to get help
with that project from anyone who knows windows better than I do - it
wouldn't take much.)
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
Please visit
, in place of both "trusted-keys" and
For the moment, using the old syntax only generates a warning, not a fatal
error, but the old options will be removed in a future release (9.20, I
think, but don't quote me on that).
and SVCB records look like a better approach anyway.
BIND will have support for those pretty soon.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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from this
ANAME was that browser vendors were unwilling to use
SRV. If they *are* willing to use HTTPS/SVCB - which looks promising at
the moment - then the remaining use cases for ANAME aren't worth the
Evan Hunt --
Internet Sys
documentation. There's a mechanism for flagging
obsolete options in named.conf and logging a useful message about them, but
it's not so straightforward when the option is still valid but the
parameters have changed.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
x27;t comply with the RFC, so it kind of had to go.
I'm not sure which of the open-source auth servers currently have ECS
support. PowerDNS maybe? And a quick google search just suggested one
called gdnsd, which I hadn't heard of before.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Co
ld be nice not to have to worry about map files when it came to
maintaining feature parity.)
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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> instead. Until the pendulum swings again.
Yep, I think that's how we'll do this, if we do it.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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ifferent things (not to mention being documented to mean a third).
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I've created issue #2918 to track
it in gitlab.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
Please visit https://li
ents; };
zone {
type secondary;
file "example-secondary.db";
primaries { key them-key; };
view them {
match-clients { any; };
zone {
type primary;
> # SKIP: 0
> # XFAIL: 0
> # FAIL: 0
> # XPASS: 0
> # ERROR: 0
> make[7]: Leaving directory '/tmp/bind9/bind-9.18.0/bin/tests/system’
> […]
> $
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
ote that you should
always check whether bind.keys needed to be updated.
In today's world, I don't think it's inmportant anymore.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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this li
dig @localhost | grep flags
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 3
$ dig @localhost | grep flags
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consor
bably related to that. Please
open a bug report at,
we'll look into it.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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this list
zone {
type primary;
file "example.db";
update-policy {
grant update-key zonesub ANY;
(Incidentally, the "ddns-confgen" command is a version of tsig-keygen
that, in addition to generating a new key, also prints a
authority and additional section data except when necessary.
The default is "no-auth-recursive", which omits authority section data
when it isn't strictly necessary, but will still add additional data for
records in the answer section.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems
o this, I'd be happy to
see it. It's always seemed pretty clunky to me but I've never had
the necessary combination of time and brains to improve it.)
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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something about it that I don't?
It would definitely be easier to *make* dyndb work for the cache;
it has all the necessary API calls, and DLZ doesn't. But I don't
know a way to configure it to take the place of the cache currently.
If you do, please educate me.
Evan Hunt -- e...
at's what was in
Later we added dlopen-able DLZ modules, which are built separately
and linked in at runtime (see contrib/dlz/modules and subdirectories).
For a long time both methods were available but in (I think?) 9.18 we
finally removed the old-style drivers.
Evan Hunt -
akefile? No package requirement checking
> through
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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ISC funds the development of this software with paid suppor
debug(1), you should see "unloading
plugin" in your log file when this happens.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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this list
ISC funds the development of this software with pai
until that last reference is released.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions.
Contact us at https://www
hes too.
boolean translation: (A and B)
Hope that's helpful. (*I* find it hard to keep this syntax straight, and I
wrote a big chunk of the code that implements it in BIND 9.5...)
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
bind-users mailing list
easier way to accomplish the same thing. I've never done so, but I'd
expect it to work. But it sounds like you're asking for a feature
change... clarify please?
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
l reason
I can see. (There may be other reasons I don't know about.) It's probably
not a high enough priority for ISC to devote engineering resources to it at
this time, but if someone submitted a patch that added an ACL check to the
update-policy syntax, I'm sure we'd
ease-candidate status, as is 9.6.0).
And yes, win2k is still unsupported.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
bind-users mailing list
to 9.3.6, 9.4.3, or 9.5.1, and see if you're still seeing the
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
bind-users mailing list
using Y worker threads".
If you're not seeing that, your logging might not be set to the right
severity level. Make sure to include "info"-level messages.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
bind-users mailing list
I'd expect it to be public in a week or so.
I don't expect any changes to the code at this point, but the documentation
is in flux.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
bind-users mailing list
> I would like to request that libbind install a pkg-config file (perhaps
> $prefix/lib/pkgconfig/libbind.pc).
Thanks. and would be the
best places to send bug reports and suggestions, though, so we can keep
track of them.
Evan Hunt --
bind. Bug reports can be submitted to
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
bind-users mailing list
> Actually, it is a compile time problem.
> Is there a place on the website to report a bug on libbind?
> I ddn't see it anywhere.
Evan Hunt --
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
oss the board
> anyway instead of at the operator's discretion?
I haven't heard anyone at ISC suggest this, but if I did, I'd argue
against it. I don't think we have any wish to be the "enforcers". :)
And anyway, if we put "mandatory" compliance into B
> The code just looks at the number of timeouts not at what
> size was sent in the initial query. triededns512() records
> when the DNS_FETCHOPT_EDNS512 has been set not when the
> initial query advertised a receive buffer of 512 bytes.
But, if the initial query uses a rec
;t have
a single-character name, it also defines names as including periods
to delimit domain-name components. So, "" is really a
13-character name, with a single-character component at the beginning,
not a single-character name.
Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.
e in the new-zone file.
(You wouldn't want named to be directly editing named.conf.)
If you haven't done the second part, then the zone isn't really "removed",
just temporarily disabled. I felt that if we can't do both parts, we
shouldn't do the first. If you
#x27;re planning to use this for a hidden zone master or some such,
where it would only be answering AXFRs, I think it could probably do
Incidentally, BIND 10 can serve authoritative data from a database
back-end; it currently supports SQLite3 and we're planning to add a MySQL
data source dr
are broken and don't understand EDNS. When BIND
doesn't initially get an answer to a query, it retries in different ways,
and eventually (on the third try, if I recall correctly) it tries omitting
the EDNS option. No EDNS means no DO bit, and I'm pretty sure that's what
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