Re: One zone in 2 views

2013-09-26 Thread Evan Hunt
w, so it would only allow queries from localnets, even when reached via the other view. And if you're doing this with a dynamic zone you'll want to be careful that update-policy is set the way you really want and you're not relying on match-clients for security.) -- Evan

Re: xml stats question

2013-11-02 Thread Evan Hunt
load of data that the app can't use. If neither xml/v2 *nor* xml/v3 is responding, then something's wrong. It seems to be working okay for me. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: BIND9-ARM (HTML) feature request: better hyperlinking in/of chapter 6

2013-11-20 Thread Evan Hunt
I might try to work on this myself, but I thought I should toss the > idea out for comments and suggestions first. Specifically, I suppose > that whatever work that is done should be compatible with the DocBook > source and other BIND9-ARM formats. We'd certainly be glad to have

Re: dig 9.9.[234] unable to do zone transfers from MS windows Domain Controllers

2013-11-20 Thread Evan Hunt
ust with DIG 9.9.2 and 9.9.4 (possibly other versions of dig > 9.9). > > Has anyone ran into a similar issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated. BIND 9.9 turns on EDNS(0) by default. Try it with "dig +noedns" -- if it works, then that was the problem. -- Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.

Re: DLV and the ad flag

2013-11-27 Thread Evan Hunt
(OARC: Operations, Analysis and Research Center.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list bind-users@lis

Re: bind-9.9.3-P2 exit(s) due to assertion failure

2013-12-02 Thread Evan Hunt
her of those assertions look familiar to me, but it would probably be worthwhile upgrading to the most recent version (9.9.4-P1); it addressed some race conditions that might possibly account for them. Meantime, it's best to send bug reports to If you can include stack

Re: rndc refresh fails for signed zones

2013-12-11 Thread Evan Hunt
lave. With inline-signing, slaves can sign, and in a hidden master setup, it makes sense for them to send notifies. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscri

Re: rndc refresh fails for signed zones

2013-12-12 Thread Evan Hunt
ly break as long as you don't cross the streams, but why risk it?) Some discussion about scenarios in which inline-signing might be used can be found here: -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Re: Serial numbers for inline signing

2013-12-18 Thread Evan Hunt
ave the slave signing, then the slave's serial number would get ahead of the master's... but in that case, the master should be "hidden" -- it shouldn't be listed in the NS RRset for the zone, and a consistency check should ignore it.

Re: Enabing RRL in bind

2013-12-30 Thread Evan Hunt
, we decided to make it a compile-time option: those who want RRL can get it; those who don't can skip it. RRL will be enabled by default in 9.10.0. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit https://l

Re: auto-dnssec create

2014-01-08 Thread Evan Hunt
ate new keys if necessary; it could even send a "loadkeys" message to the server if configured to do so. This has been on my to-do list for quite a while, but other things keep jumping into higher spots on the list. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. __

Re: A Few Additional Words About CVE-2014-0591

2014-01-13 Thread Evan Hunt
py() and revealed our mistake. (And we would've gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit t

Re: Bind-9.9.4-S3 RRL

2014-01-30 Thread Evan Hunt
orted into the 9.9 codebase.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list https://lis

Re: Disabling RPZ for a few clients / views sharing zones

2014-02-06 Thread Evan Hunt
{ localnets; }; zone "" { type slave; masters { ... }; }; }; view them { zone "" { in-view us; }; }; -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. _

Re: cache_dump.db format and meaning

2014-02-21 Thread Evan Hunt
long in the future, then this existing cache data will be discarded in favor of it. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users ma

Re: dig +sigchase looping

2014-02-25 Thread Evan Hunt
roken trust chain resolving '': ;; resolution failed: broken trust chain -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to uns

Re: BIND 9.10.0b1 has been released.

2014-02-26 Thread Evan Hunt
s there's a darned good reason. (Even then, we'll generally put them beind #ifdef's, as with --enable-rrl, so you can build without them.) Gotta put new stuff somewhere, though, or we'd all still be using BIND 4. :) -- Evan Hunt -- e...@is

Re: Bind vs flood

2014-02-28 Thread Evan Hunt
le to pass them unchanged. Remember rpz is deliberately limited. As Cathy mentioned, it's possible to bypass the recursion in RPZ now. The feature is in the rpz2 patches, which are included with BIND 9.10 and are also built into some packaged versions of BIND. -- Evan Hunt -- In

Re: Regarding HMAC-SHA256 and RSASHA512 key generation algorithm in dnssec-keygen

2014-03-06 Thread Evan Hunt
r at least a sensible wrapper), so that DNSSEC keys could be generated according to a configured policy rather than command-line alphabet soup. For generating host keys, I suggest "ddns-confgen" rather than "dnssec-keygen". -- Evan Hunt

Re: Regarding HMAC-SHA256 and RSASHA512 key generation algorithm in dnssec-keygen

2014-03-06 Thread Evan Hunt
ut there may be a use case for it that I've overlooked.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list

Re: changing NSEC3 salt

2014-03-10 Thread Evan Hunt
are removed from the zone - the private-type record is cleaned up Looking at the journal file with named-journalprint confirms that's what's happening on my test system. How are you doing your tests? -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Re: bind v9.9.5 becomes unresponsive when using samba4 dlopen driver

2014-03-12 Thread Evan Hunt
, how you configured the built ("named -V" will tell you this), and your named.conf ("named-checkconf -px" dumps a copy of your configuration with key secrets omitted). If the problem's in the samba DLZ module, I probably won't be able to help you, but if it's in

Re: BIND 9.10.0b1 is now available

2014-03-17 Thread Evan Hunt
s, as long as the HSM is running and the pkcs11 provider library is accessible. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mai

Re: BIND 9.10.0b1 is now available

2014-03-17 Thread Evan Hunt
re --enable-native-pkcs11 --with-pkcs11=/path/to/ -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list bind-us

Re: BIND 9.10.0b1 is now available

2014-03-17 Thread Evan Hunt
ing resolver (IMR) You *can* use it as a validating resolver, but it probably wouldn't be very efficient and I don't know why you'd want to. :) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit https://lis

Re: BIND 9.10.0b1 is now available

2014-03-17 Thread Evan Hunt
postponed, actually; IIRC, you configure BIND with --enable-native-pkcs11 but omit --with-pkcs11, then specify the provider library on the command line ('named -E /path/to/'). We haven't made it a named.conf directive though; it hadn't occurred to me before that an

Re: Regarding HMAC-SHA256 and RSASHA512 key generation algorithm in dnssec-keygen

2014-03-19 Thread Evan Hunt
g interface. Just an idea. > > I'm not suggesting to change the existing interface, as it will break > existing stuff. FYI, the "tsig-keygen" command is now available in 9.10.0b2. (Published to the FTP site, should be on the web site shortly.)

Re: DLZ / ISC DHCP query

2014-03-27 Thread Evan Hunt
raction with Bind. I'd run wireshark on the link between dhcp and bind9 to see what the update packets look like. When you tested with nsupdate, did you use prerequisites? -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ P

Re: nsec3 opt-out confusion (bug report)

2014-04-01 Thread Evan Hunt
either use opt-out or > non-opt-out? BIND doesn't currently provide a mechanism for that. If it's something you need, please send a feature request to -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___

Re: All, do bind9.9.5 support edns0-client-subnet?

2014-04-23 Thread Evan Hunt
rver and recursive server. No. It's just checking that the client-subnet option is formatted correctly in incoming messages. Named doesn't act on the content of the option in any way. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. __

Re: Zone transfer doesn't work when I set allow-update statement

2014-04-25 Thread Evan Hunt
nt BIND. If it doesn't support sync, use "rndc freeze ; rndc thaw ".) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-u

a note on 9.10.0rc2: eleven, twelve; dig and delv(e)

2014-04-25 Thread Evan Hunt
s to the Xapian project for the oversight: no disrespect was intended, I simply didn't know. Apologies also to any early adopters of delv who may be inconvenienced by the change. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. __

Re: a note on 9.10.0rc2: eleven, twelve; dig and delv(e)

2014-04-27 Thread Evan Hunt
d it would be better to live with an imperfect name than deal with the fallout of changing it after it was officially released. Anyway, now it can hang around and comiserate with resolv.conf. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Re: GeoIP in 9.10 RC2

2014-04-30 Thread Evan Hunt
{ geoip country US; } ... match-clients { geoipUS; }; The problem is that when the "geoipUS" ACL is merged into match-clients for the view, the geoip information doesn't get copied correctly. The attached patch should fix it. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

Re: verifying bind-9.10.0 download

2014-05-02 Thread Evan Hunt
T using RSA key ID 189CDBC5 > gpg: BAD signature from "Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. (Signing key, > 2013) " Works fine for me. Check the fingerprint on the tarball, it should be: SHA256(bind-9.10.0.tar.gz)= acc2f5cc58c121f927e02c23e7e3e2e4876139eaac4a9df71800d4a38917c887 --

Re: Multi-master (HA)

2014-05-06 Thread Evan Hunt
is sort of thing easier in BIND -- even just at the level of "boy, it irritates me that I can't make BIND do " -- such comments will fall on welcoming ears. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit https:

Re: BIND9.10 crashing randomly in FreeBSD 10

2014-05-22 Thread Evan Hunt
we're sure they aren't. The article at has guidelines on information you can gather to help us diagnose the problem. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit https://l

Re: "clients-per-query" vs "max-clients-per-query"

2014-06-07 Thread Evan Hunt
means we don't have a clients-per-query limit at all. If max-clients-per-query is 0, that means there's no upper bound on clients-per-query and it can grow as big as it needs to. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Pl

Re: Slightly Off-Topic: Dealing with DNSSEC Bogus Data

2014-06-08 Thread Evan Hunt
s an rndc command that temporarily suppresses DNSSEC validation below a specified name, for a configurable period of time defaulting to one hour and not exceeding one day. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: Re: "clients-per-query" vs "max-clients-per-query"

2014-06-08 Thread Evan Hunt
e/different words :-( If the above was helpful and you feel inspired to rephrase it into text for the ARM, I'm always happy to take your patches. :) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: slave zone files unreadable

2014-07-09 Thread Evan Hunt
me. That introduces a lot of complexity, though; if a zone file is corrupt, BIND expects to discover the fact right away, not at some random time later on.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: slave zone files unreadable

2014-07-11 Thread Evan Hunt
the zone from the map, or else loading from text and creating a new map, depending on mtime -- is definitely under consideration and may turn up in 9.11 if time permits.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: slave zone files unreadable

2014-07-11 Thread Evan Hunt
to be Hard). We decided to spend the time and validate map files before serving data from them. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this

Re: IP2Location instead of Maxmind

2014-07-12 Thread Evan Hunt
could take the ip2location data and create a usable database from it. I'm not aware of any tools that can create the other libGeoIP database types (city, region, ISP, etc) -- last time I looked, only country worked. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. _

Re: Process size versus cache size.

2014-07-23 Thread Evan Hunt
ense > given that the cache dump is only 6 MB. What version of BIND is this? And do you use statistics-channel? I'd be interested to see what the memory stats look like on a running server. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. __

Re: Bind and ZSK-Rollovers: Changing salt automatically?

2014-07-28 Thread Evan Hunt
ed to know. "rndc signing -nsec3param" can change your salt. Specifying "auto" as the salt causes named to generate a salt at random. There's currently no way to schedule it the way you can schedule key rollovers, but you can put it in a crontab. -- Evan Hu

Re: Bind and ZSK-Rollovers: Changing salt automatically?

2014-07-28 Thread Evan Hunt
> "rndc signing -nsec3param" can change your salt. Specifying "auto" > as the salt causes named to generate a salt at random. I forgot to mention that the "auto" feature is new in 9.10, not in older versions. -- Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.

Re: Metazones or Something Else?

2014-08-04 Thread Evan Hunt
#x27;s "dynDB" LDAP extension (which we plan to include in BIND 9.11 but is currently only available as a set of patches). Improving DNS provisioning is a hot topic for future development, but we're still just in the requirements-gathering phase. Would you like to share what it

Re: running named built with --enable-native-pkcs11 without HSM provider library

2014-08-06 Thread Evan Hunt
KSK, but SoftHSM for the ZSK because it's faster. It might also enable us to drive an HSM that didn't have a complete PKCS#11 implementation, using SoftHSM to fill in the functional gaps. Haven't done any work on it, though. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consor

Re: running named built with --enable-native-pkcs11 without HSM provider library

2014-08-06 Thread Evan Hunt
That's what the "shim" I mentioned would be for. Unfortunately, I can't tell you anything about when such a thing is likely to get written; we've got a lot of other tasks lined up ahead of it, and not enough pairs of hands. Contributed co

Re: How to figure out QPS in bind 9.9

2014-08-07 Thread Evan Hunt
subtract the previous value for total queries from the new value, and divide by 60. (Or every 5 minutes, or 15, or whatever.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: bind 9.10-P2 dnssec keys management

2014-08-07 Thread Evan Hunt
the usual re-signing period, use "rndc sign ". -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list bind-user

Re: rndc zonestatus meaning

2014-08-07 Thread Evan Hunt
ever, ISC provides a thorough training course on the subject; see has guidance about scheduling key rollovers that you may find useful. -- Evan Hunt -- e...@is

Re: BIND 9.10.1rc2 won't build on FreeBSD 10-STABLE

2014-09-11 Thread Evan Hunt
hen installing python ought to make the build work, for the time being. We'll address the problem before final release. Do you still have your config.log? May I see it? -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please

Re: BIND 9.10.1rc2 won't build on FreeBSD 10-STABLE

2014-09-12 Thread Evan Hunt
ke/ @@ -357,11 +357,3 @@ ALWAYS_MAKE_SYMTABLE = @ALWAYS_MAKE_SYMTABLE@ .docbook.8: ${XSLTPROC} -o $@ ${top_srcdir}/doc/xsl/isc-manpage.xsl $< -### -### Python executable -### -.SUFFIXES: .py - cp -f $< $@ - chmod +x $@ - -- Evan Hunt --

Re: Size of libdns between 9.10.0 and 9.10.1

2014-09-24 Thread Evan Hunt
92. > That's a massive reduction in size. Did you guys suddenly delete a lot > of code? No, we didn't. Same compiler/linker? Same build options? -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit https://lists

Re: Digging to the final IP

2014-10-21 Thread Evan Hunt
QRFLAG=1 ; AAFLAG=0 ; TCFLAG=0 ; RDFLAG=1 ; RAFLAG=1 ; ADFLAG=0 ; CDFLAG=0 [... etc ...] -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: dnssec-signzone SMIMEA/TYPE65280 RR

2014-10-31 Thread Evan Hunt
it'd be swell if you posted it here...) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list ht

Re: Dumping the statistics channel

2014-11-03 Thread Evan Hunt
also tried to use Firefox's 'Save Page As' option to dump the > statistics, but that resulted in the same saved file as I got with wget. Just sending the XML is fine. The pretty formatting comes from a stylesheet, bind9.xsl, which is served alongside the XML statistics when the

Re: BIND 9.10 dlz(BDB): slow query times

2014-11-06 Thread Evan Hunt
rom the berkeley DB. How long does it take to query the database directly? Turning on minimal-responses reduces the number of database lookups required for each query, which might help if the database is slow. There may also be a bdb mailing list that can recommend database optimizations.

Re: isc_mem_get question/bug

2014-11-06 Thread Evan Hunt
l > be overflowed by one byte if the dsdir is full? The allocated buffer size is "filenamelen + 1", which includes space for "strlen(dsdir) + 1" if dsdir is not NULL. The first "+ 1" is there to make room for a null terminator; the second is there to make

Re: Problem with BIND 9.10.1-P1 recursion limits

2014-12-09 Thread Evan Hunt
se I think it's because you had an empty cache, and sending a second query will clear the problem up. In a future release, we may want to lift the restrictions temporarily while priming. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. _

Re: Problem with BIND 9.10.1-P1 recursion limits

2014-12-09 Thread Evan Hunt
light of this new reality. (We might arrange for SERVFAILs that occur as a result of recursion limits not to be cached.) When I tested this on 9.9, I got the problem with on the first query, but it succeeded on the second. -- Evan Hunt -- e...@isc

Re: Problem with BIND 9.10.1-P1 recursion limits

2014-12-09 Thread Evan Hunt
On Tue, Dec 09, 2014 at 05:46:36PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote: > It's 5 minutes with 9.10.1-P1 as well. That's unexpected. I'll see if I can reproduce it. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___

Re: Problem with BIND 9.10.1-P1 recursion limits

2014-12-09 Thread Evan Hunt
On Tue, Dec 09, 2014 at 05:51:58PM +, Evan Hunt wrote: > That's unexpected. I'll see if I can reproduce it. Okay, I can. Part of the problem is the somewhat crazypants DNS configuration of $ dig +noall +answer

Re: [question] new bind option "max-recursion-depth"

2014-12-15 Thread Evan Hunt
k up to find that name server. That adds a layer of recursion depth. Now, if is served out of yet another zone: IN NS IN NS ...that adds another layer. Named will give up after 7 such indire

Re: [question] new bind option "max-recursion-depth"

2014-12-16 Thread Evan Hunt
SERVFAIL responses in the first few minutes after server startup. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list

Re: [question] new bind option "max-recursion-depth"

2014-12-17 Thread Evan Hunt
air disadvantage with respect to the max-recursion-queries counter. 9.10.2 has a fix that should make things better. The code's already been pushed to the git repository at, in case anyone wants to try it now. I expect to release a beta version either next week or after the hol

Re: [question] new bind option "max-recursion-depth"

2014-12-17 Thread Evan Hunt
tually (one hopes), you reach bottom and pop back up. If it turns out the name you asked for is a CNAME, then you start a new stack while you resolve the CNAME target. As long as the stack never exceeds seven layers of recursion, you're fine. -- Evan Hunt -- Inte

Re: Odd response from upstream DNS servers

2015-01-06 Thread Evan Hunt
iagnose the problem if you told us what query you were trying to resolve, and what version of BIND you're running. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubs

Re: Odd response from upstream DNS servers

2015-01-06 Thread Evan Hunt
.0.. = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for > domain Bad delegation, I guess. The "authoritative" server says it isn't. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: Disable DNSSEC Validation for selected Domains

2015-01-14 Thread Evan Hunt
c, and they expire and are removed after a relatively short lifespan, not exceeding a week. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list

Re: also-notify with multiple occurrences of same IP address

2015-01-19 Thread Evan Hunt
> Is this the 'correct' behaviour? It wasn't what I was expecting, but I > can see how we got here. I haven't confirmed the behavior yet, but I agree that this sounds like a bug. Would you mind opening a ticket at -- Evan Hunt

Re: How to enable EDNS for an authoritative name server?

2015-01-21 Thread Evan Hunt
try it now by cloning the git repository at, if you like (I'd be happy to have your feedback on it). -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to un

Re: How to enable EDNS for an authoritative name server?

2015-01-22 Thread Evan Hunt
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 04:03:20PM +0800, Jackie Lui wrote: > Is there any tentative schedule when 9.11 will be released? We're aiming for third quarter of 2015. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please vis

Re: Swedish and Danish "รถ" conflicts with eachother

2015-01-22 Thread Evan Hunt
ters in delegations. I would guess it does, but I don't actually know.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing

Re: Question about bind-dlz performance limit

2015-01-26 Thread Evan Hunt
ith a sample configuration you can work from. I would expect to see better performance, though still not very good. (DLZ at its best is still quite slow.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: Observed named crash crit named[4294]: mem.c:1094: INSIST(ctx-stats[i].gets == 0U) failed

2015-02-17 Thread Evan Hunt
e option, then it would print a list of the un-freed memory blocks when it asserted. (This has some performance impact, so I don't recommend running that way routinely, but it helps track down what went wrong.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. __

Re: ISC DHCP does not work with BIND 9.10

2015-02-19 Thread Evan Hunt
r choosing to use select vs epoll/kqueue/devpoll. I think there were a few other items on the "to do" list as well, but those were the big ones. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit https

Re: Share RPZ Zones between views

2015-02-20 Thread Evan Hunt
feature, the "in-view" zone option. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with RPZ. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list

Re: DNS RPZ Zones limitation

2015-02-22 Thread Evan Hunt
sn't enough? If it's not enough, I'm curious what your requirements are. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bi

Re: BIND 9.9.7 complains and dies if you use same zonefile for multiple zones

2015-02-23 Thread Evan Hunt
> Just to clarify: it will remain okay to use a zone file for multiple > master zones (which won't be dynamically updated)? Yes, that's fine. It's only a problem to use a single file when multiple different zones will be writing to it. -- Evan Hunt -- Intern

Re: Bind RPZ and "in-view" clause

2015-02-24 Thread Evan Hunt
On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 11:24:16PM +0100, Job wrote: > Someone has been able to make RPZ work in view with "in-view" clause? Unfortunately, no. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit https://

Re: RPZ Still Doing Recursive Lookups

2015-02-24 Thread Evan Hunt
ly outdated. 9.9.7 will be published this week. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list bind-users@lists.

Re: how did they do that

2015-04-02 Thread Evan Hunt
iness to ICANN specifications over the long term is sold separately. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list bind-users

Re: configured bind 9.10.1 as slave gettting data in binary form

2015-04-08 Thread Evan Hunt; }; >file "internal/"; Or you can allow your slave files to remain in binary format (it gives you a roughly factor-4 speedup in loading the files, which can be significant with large zones). When you want to look at the text version,

Re: rndc flushname not working

2015-04-13 Thread Evan Hunt
e from the DNS cache, but it wasn't touching the ADB or the bad cache. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list bind-users ma

Re: rndc flushname not working

2015-04-13 Thread Evan Hunt
sh table. It turned out to be a useful thing to do, though, so we eventually decided to go ahead and put up with the inefficiency.) -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit

Re: Testing RFC 5011 key roll

2015-04-17 Thread Evan Hunt
hes are the number of seconds to use for an "hour", a "day", and a "month", respectively. If you run with the above option, named will trust a new key 60 seconds after it's seen it, instead of waiting a full 30 days. (T

Re: Testing RFC 5011 key roll

2015-04-20 Thread Evan Hunt
hen leave the server up and running (not forgetting to use -T mkeytimers=H/D/M, where M is no more than 3600 seconds, because rolls its keys every hour and normal RFC 5011 processing can't handle that), and you should be in good shap

Re: Testing RFC 5011 key roll

2015-04-20 Thread Evan Hunt
27;s a sha256 hash of the view name, which is guaranteed to be a legal file name because it's all hexadecimal. It's also guaranteed to be maximally confusing. As of BIND 9.10, it doesn't name files that way anymore. It'll still read an existing file using that naming format

Re: Testing RFC 5011 key roll

2015-04-21 Thread Evan Hunt (like Tony does), you can it. If you're doing that, then you can *also* use "rndc managed-keys", which lets you check key status and force keys to be refreshed ahead of schedule. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. __

Re: [bind-users] Re: BIND9-ARM (HTML) feature request: better hyperlinking in/of chapter 6

2015-05-09 Thread Evan Hunt
o add better anchor tags for each option, so you could look up "Bv9ARM.ch06.html#response-policy" or whatever, and be taken to the corresponding section of the ARM. Good idea, nobody's done it yet. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___

Re: Share zone files in RPZ

2015-05-13 Thread Evan Hunt
be shared between views. A view and its policy zones are tightly interconnected, and it would be a fairly huge job to rewrite it so it wasn't that way. I'd like to address this problem one of these days, but I don't have a good plan yet. -- Evan Hunt -- e...@i

Re: BIND recursive - DNS Nonsense Name Attacks

2015-05-28 Thread Evan Hunt
ttack is doing to your resolver.) You could also try blacklisting the clients from which the queries are coming; they're probably infected with malware. RPZ is also effective for this. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ P

Re: New error about zone files: record with inherited owner ... immediately after $ORIGIN

2015-06-05 Thread Evan Hunt
When including a master file origin_changed was not being properly set leading to a potentially spurious 'inherited owner' warning. [RT #37919] I'm not sure that upgrading will address your specific issue, but it seems like a pretty goo

Re: Are there RFCs or any other standard document about RNDC

2015-07-12 Thread Evan Hunt
No, it's not standard at all, and unfortunately the protocol isn't well documented. The last person who asked this question ended up deconstructing the C code and writing an RNDC implementation in Perl, though: -- Eva

Re: tsig indicates error

2015-07-27 Thread Evan Hunt
Or if you're on an older release, 'ddns-confgen -q -k ' does the same thing. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ___ Please visit to unsubscribe from this list

Re: dig md - Feature? Bug? What's going on?

2015-07-27 Thread Evan Hunt
> Indeed. But why does it query for NS? When you don't specify a name, dig looks up ./NS by default. When the code for this was originally written, I guess it didn't occur to anyone that you might have specified a type but not a name. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Syste

Re: do not stupidly delete ZSK files

2015-07-29 Thread Evan Hunt
If it's a dynamic zone, freeze it first, then edit the zone file, delete the key, increase the serial number, and thaw it. If it's not dynamic, same instructions, but without the freezing and thawing. -- Evan Hunt -- Internet Syst

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