Re: Name Resolution issue with one domain

2012-03-22 Thread babu dheen
Dear All,    Thanks alot for helpming to identify the exact problem. Now my problem has been solved once i chang the source port from 53 to empherial port.   Regards Babudheen From: Matus UHLAR - fantomas To: Sent: Thursday, 22 March

Re: "rndc reconfig" vs. "rndc reload"

2012-03-22 Thread Chris Thompson
On Mar 16 2012, Mark Pettit wrote: [...] We have an antiquated push process that copies files into the zonefile directory and then tells BIND "rndc reload". For various reasons, "rndc reload" takes about 120 seconds to complete. BIND is not answering queries for a very large part of that time.

Re: Name Resolution issue with one domain

2012-03-22 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 21/03/2012 09:41, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote: maybe the admin set that up to force local servers using random ports, instead of 53, for outgoing requests. Nobody should use port 53 for _ougtoing_ requests. On 21.03.12 23:41, Anand Buddhdev wrote: You're wrong. A name server can use any so