On Mar 16 2012, Mark Pettit wrote:

We have an antiquated push process that copies files into the zonefile
directory and then tells BIND "rndc reload".  For various reasons,
"rndc reload" takes about 120 seconds to complete.  BIND is not answering
queries for a very large part of that time.

It may be worth noting that recent versions of BIND (at least) only re-read
the zone files whose modification times have changed, on an "rndc reload".
It does still have to stat() them all, though, which could be bad enough.

I recently started experimenting with a different process: instead of
"rndc reload" after updaing some of the zone files, I loop through the
list of updated zone files and run "rndc reload <zone>" for each one.

This is better, of course, if you can do it.

Chris Thompson
Email: c...@cam.ac.uk
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