gt; To: Linux Beginners
> Subject: trying to write to a file
> hey im trying to write to a file with just like 6 lines of code and it
> doesnt work so I need some help. here is the code:
> #!perl
> open DATA, "> mydata.dat";
> unless ($s
And I quote, "just like 6 lines of code and it doesnt work so I need some help." Are
you sure about this?
-Original Message-
From: "Matthew Mangione"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Linux Beginners"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu Oct 25 09:35:02 PDT 200
rl you might run into problems. all you need to do is
> close DATA;
> Typically the code to do what you set out below is something like
> open(DATA,">mydata.dat") or die "Problem encountered:$!\n";
> print DATA "Hi Matt\n";
> c
need to do is
close DATA;
Typically the code to do what you set out below is something like
open(DATA,">mydata.dat") or die "Problem encountered:$!\n";
print DATA "Hi Matt\n";
close DATA;
On Thu, Oct 25, 2001 at 12:35:02PM -0400, Matthew Mangione shaped the ele
--- Matthew Mangione <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey im trying to write to a file with just like 6 lines of code and it doesnt work
>so I need
> some help. here is the code:
> #!perl
> open DATA, "> mydata.dat";
> unless ($suc
hey im trying to write to a file with just like 6 lines of code and it doesnt work so
I need some help. here is the code:
open DATA, "> mydata.dat";
unless ($success) {
print "Problem Encountered";
print DATA "Hi Matt";