--- Matthew Mangione <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey im trying to write to a file with just like 6 lines of code and it doesnt work 
>so I need
> some help. here is the code:
> #!perl
> open DATA, "> mydata.dat";
> unless ($success) {
>  print "Problem Encountered";
>  die;
> }
> print DATA "Hi Matt";
> thanx        matt


$success is never initialized in this code.  Try the following:

    #!perl -w
    use strict;

    open DATA, "> mydata.dat" or die "Cannot open mydata.dat for writing: $!";
    print DATA "Hi Matt";
    close DATA;

In the code above, the $! variable is a special variable that, when used in string 
returns the operating system error, if any, that is reported when trying to do things 
like "open".

For code a bit closer to your format:

    #!perl -w
    use strict;
    my $success = 1;
    my $file    = 'mydata.dat';

    open DATA, "> $file" or $success = 0;
    unless ($success) {
        print "Could not open $file for writing: $!";

    print DATA "Hi Matt";  

Curtis "Ovid" Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
"Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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