> "Roger" == Roger C Haslock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Roger> You have
>> foreach my $name ( $cgi->param )
>> {print "$name\t" . $cgi->param( $name ) . "\n";
>> }
Roger> You have to be careful with CGI::param; it returns a scalar for a scalar,
Roger> and an arrayref for a list.
Not un
You have
> foreach my $name ( $cgi->param )
> {print "$name\t" . $cgi->param( $name ) . "\n";
> }
You have to be careful with CGI::param; it returns a scalar for a scalar,
and an arrayref for a list.
May I suggest something like
my %params = $cgi->Vars;
foreach (keys %params)
my $para
ne 18, 2001 6:17 PM
> Subject: formatting and writing to file
> I would like to format this so that the parameters and values are
> listed on their own lines.
> foreach my $name ( $cgi->param )
> {print "$name\t" . $cgi-&g
I would like to format this so that the parameters and values are
listed on their own lines.
foreach my $name ( $cgi->param )
{print "$name\t" . $cgi->param( $name ) . "\n";
This part of the script is not executing.
my $file = $cgi->upload( "ad" ) or error( $cgi->p( "No file uploaded." )