Are you outputting this to a HTML page? If so try replacing the new line
"\n" code with the HTML "<P>" command.
Just a thought, Please ignore this if I'm being stupid...

> ----------
> From:         Teresa Raymond[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:         Monday, June 18, 2001 6:17 PM
> Subject:      formatting and writing to file
> I would like to format this so that the parameters and values are 
> listed on their own lines.
> foreach my $name ( $cgi->param )
> {    print "$name\t" . $cgi->param( $name ) . "\n";
> }
> This part of the script is not executing.
> my $file = $cgi->upload( "ad" ) or error( $cgi->p( "No file uploaded." )
> );
> my $format = $cgi->uploadInfo( $file )->{ 'Content-Type' };
> open (TEMP, ">>$tmpdir/tmpfile.fil") or die "Can't find tmpfile.fil";
> print TEMP "$format \n";
> print TEMP "$file \n";
> close(TEMP);
> *** Teresa Raymond
> ***

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