Sara wrote:
I have been running a public forum (no registration required) with over 50,000
visits per day. Lot of Trolls and bad / advertising posts etc from other sites
and individuals.
If you must allow "anonymous" posting, consider adding a feature
allowing you to selectively disable a
Sara [S], on Wednesday, November 2, 2005 at 10:09 (+0500) typed the
S> Now the question is how to get these Elite Proxies filtered
S> out? Another thing that I want to ask is that when I used these
You must have list o elite proxies to filtered them out. For example
in DB, look for it,
> "Sara" == Sara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Sara> I have been running a public forum (no registration required)
Sara> with over 50,000 visits per day.
There's your mistake. Looks like you'll have to implement a
round-trip registration. Of course, if your site is highly visible,
expect *th
I have been running a public forum (no registration required) with over 50,000
visits per day. Lot of Trolls and bad / advertising posts etc from other sites
and individuals.
-> It was small initially and I used to track the IPs and ban them manually to
put them within a database and Posting s