Sara wrote:

I have been running a public forum (no registration required) with over 50,000 
visits per day. Lot of Trolls and bad  / advertising posts etc from other sites 
and individuals.
If you must allow "anonymous" posting, consider adding a feature allowing you to selectively disable anonymous posting based on IP address.

Now the problem is that Trolls are STILL coming through, I track those IPs and matched a couple of those as "Elite Proxies" ( Elite Proxy -> HTTP Servers of this type do not send HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HTTP_VIA and HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION variables. Host doesn't even know you are using proxy server an of course it doesn't know your IP address.
Slashdot seems to check for proxies by requesting, through the proxy, a file on their own server. That may work for you.

We use tracking cookies to identify unique computers behind proxies. We can link anonymous posts and multiple registered accounts to the same computer or set of computers regardless of what IP address is being used. We can ban based on the unique identifier in the cookie.

Obviously, more tech savvy trolls can easily get around this by deleting the cookies between posts, but a lot of trolls give up after multiple attempts to use proxies fail.



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