Hello Curtis,
It works!!
Start Perl stuff...
End Perl stuff...
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
produced a error in the browser for some reason.
Many thanks for all your help.
(I am not entirely certain of what is g
--- Advance Design - Vance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Curtis,
> I am just returning a complete html document from the perl file ...
It sounds like that could be the problem. Generally, when printing a Web page from a
CGI script,
you need to supply a content-type header to let
Hello Curtis,
I am just returning a complete html document from the perl file using the following:
(perl in blue, html in red)
Start Perl stuff...
End Perl stuff...
Your email suggests I should have a content-type header included in here somewh
Check any 'Content-type' header that you send. The header should be
'Content-type: text/html'. If you are not sending a 'Content-type' header,
then you should be. To do this simply put one of the following statements
in your code:
# if you are using Lincoln Stein's CGI.pm module.
print CGI->he
--- Advance Design - Vance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I have written some web pages incorporating Forms and Perl processing on the server.
> works fine on my IE 5.5 Browser but when I use the Netscape 4.7 and Opera 5.12
>browsers, the
> HTML sent back from the Perl programm
maybe you've made a mistake with your HTTP headers which IE5.5 is being
forgiving about but Opera and Netscape are complaining about (Opera is quite
strict - which is good of course!).
Can you check the headers that you are producing and post them to the group?
-Original Messa