Hello Curtis,

I am just returning a complete html document from the perl file using the following: 
(perl in blue, html in red) 

Start Perl stuff...
End Perl stuff...

<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


Your email suggests I should have a content-type header included in here somewhere...

Thanks for your help.



--- Advance Design - Vance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I have written some web pages incorporating Forms and Perl processing on the server. 
> works fine on my IE 5.5 Browser but when I use the Netscape 4.7 and Opera 5.12 
>browsers, the
> HTML sent back from the Perl programme appears as (source) text.
> Do you have any ideas why.
> Thanks

> Newer versions of Internet Explorer have a "feature" that examines that beginning of 
>the data that
> it receives and attempts to render the data accordingly.  It completely violates W3C 
>standards by
> ignoring the content-type header.  Many, many developers have been bitten by this 
>bug.  I've
> accidently sent GIFs with a content type of image/pjpeg and IE still rendered it 
>correctly but
> Netscape didn't.  That was less than fun to debug.

> In your script, find out what is responsible for printing the content-type header 
>and post that
> code snippet here.  It will be something like the following:

>     # If you're doing it by hand, it will resemble this:
>     print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; 

>     # If you're using CGI.pm, it will resemble on of the two following lines:
>     print header();
>     # or (varies depending on the name of the CGI object)
>     print $query->header;

> There are many different ways of printing the content-type header, but they will 
>likely resemble
> the snippets above.  Send that and we may have an answer for you.

> Of course, you can also telnet to port 80 (assuming that's the telnet port) and view 
>the headers
> that way).  Most likely, you're sending a content type of 'text/plain'.  Here's what 
>you'd enter
> in telnet:

>     GET /cgi-bin/somescript.cgi?foo=bar HTTP/1.1
>     Host: www.somehost.com

> Substitute your own host and path and make sure you have two newlines after the host 

> Cheers,
> Curtis Poe

> =====
> Senior Programmer
> Onsite! Technology (http://www.onsitetech.com/)
> "Ovid" on http://www.perlmonks.org/

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