Hi David
You can create a random key to encrypt a password:
my $key = join '', ('.','/',0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z')[rand
64, rand 64];
(Took this from the book "Beginning Perl" by Simon Cozens)
Then you encrypt the password:
Have you checked your error log?
I'm working with PostgreSQL but when I get no errors and no rows updated
I always find an error message in the log file (/var/log/httpd/error_log
in my RH 7.1 box).
Messages look like:
DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR: Bad boolean external
> -target=>"abajo");
> print $cgi->frameset({-border=>'1', -frameSpacing=>'1',
> -cols=>'200,*', -frameBorder=>'1'},
>$cgi->frame({-name=>'iab',-src=>'trabajo.plx?sesion='.$session}),*#This calls the
>main work page*
> );
> }
> $cgi->end_html;
> $dbh->disconnect();
> *This sub generates the session ID*
> sub generar_id{
> return sprintf("%08.8x",rand()*0x);
> }
> I hope this helps.
> I am new to perl so check the code for security issues.
> Pablo A. Castrillo
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