Hi David

You can create a random key to encrypt a password:

                my $key = join '', ('.','/',0..9,'A'..'Z','a'..'z')[rand
                64, rand 64];
    (Took this from the book "Beginning Perl" by Simon Cozens)
Then you encrypt the password:

                $clave = crypt($cgi->param('password'),$key);
Now you can store $clave as your encrypted password.
Then you can check the password back:
(Lets suppose $password is the parameter entered by the user and 
usuariosis[6] is the stored value)

    *if (crypt($password, $usuariosis[6]) ne $usuariosis[6]) #check
    input vs. stored
           #Bad Password  
        #Good Password
    ** }*
I hope this helps.


>     From: David vd Geer Inhuur tbv IPlib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: How to use crypt ??
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-MD5: ircFB0BQNAE374VOrbLqzw==
> Status: R 
> X-Status: N
> Hi,
> Right now I am a little lost myself.
> Trying to use crypt() to encrypt a given password.
> I know how to compare a given password with an encrypted one, but to encrypt one
> myself and save it, doesn't work for me for some reason.
> You would say, Ah of course forgotten to give your encryption key. That's right
> which one uses apache/Unix/etc ??
> So what it is all about probably is this :
>  my $crpw = crypt("$pw", "What key ????");
> Hope for your help !
> Regs David
> For giving you the overview, here is my program :
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> use strict;
> print header,
>         start_html(-Title =>"Create external user", -BGCOLOR=>"#99cccc"),
>         h1('Create external user'),
>         start_form, table,
>         Tr(td("Please enter userid"), td(textfield('userid') )),p,
>         Tr(td("Please enter password"), td(password_field('pw') )),p,
>         Tr(td("Please select group"), td(popup_menu('group', [ qw(iclab Philips All) 
>]) )),p,
>         Tr(td(submit(-Value =>"Create")));
> print "</table>";
> print end_form;
> if (param('pw')) {
>   my $pw = param('pw');
>   my $userid = param('userid');
>   my $group = param('group');
>   my $crpw = crypt($pw);
>   my $pwline = "${userid}:${crpw}";
>   print $pwline;
> }

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