hi guys,
i have multiple domain names - etc multiple sites - that i would like to
share cookies inbetween, how can i - literally - do that, and is it enough
to use HTTP::Cookies !?
thx 4 help
Hytham Shehab
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hi guys,
where can i find/download a free sendmail alternative for win32?
Hytham Shehab
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> R u looking 4 "nph-push"?
> #! /usr/bin/perl
> $|=1; # don't buffer output
> $BOUNDARY="--start-new-page-here--"; # seperates html pages
> print "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n";
> print "Pragma: no-cache\n";
> print "Content-type: multipart/
Hytham Shehab
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> $|++;
this won't work man
u didn't get my q,
i need to push data into output without the need to recall the entire
to print the whole plus the new data, i want em to print only the new data.
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> Hello Hytham and world
> That is a good question. But 'pushing' means you have to be able to
> FORCE html code into a clients machine - not just allow them to be able
> to look for it themselves. Exit browsing. Logon and become lost.
> cheers
> JimmyG @CUDAL
i don't get it, do u mean that
appending ?
Hytham Shehab
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ave always
select "Arabic" inorder to view it correctly, but when the cgi script
generate the result, it returns - again - to be not "Arabic".
i hope that i made my problem some how clear.
thanks guys.
Hytham Shehab
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For addit
hi guys,
is it a must to use mod_perl to access all/some apache::* modules?, i
mean, if i run normal perl and cgi scripts, i won't be able to access apache
Hytham Shehab
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c problem.
> http://danconia.org
well, i think that u r absolutely right about that it might be *ONLY*
existed in the docs, i may contact the creator for more details regarding
this issue.
btw, am not using warnings nor strict.
Hytham Shehab
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*EMAIL* typo, coz it is wriiten
*CORRECTLY* in the script.
again, thanks.
Hytham Shehab
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want ot get data, nor insert
data, the sole purpose of my script is to type the select statement in more
tree-like structure, so i don't know the values of $cond to evaluate it,
besides, am using SQL::Statement for the pure purpose of parsing, no more,
no less, all what i wounder is, why am gett
e "SQL::Statement" (perhaps you
got to load "SQL::Statement"?) at blah line 34.
any idea?
Hytham Shehab
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res, etc, etc.
However, i think its really great tool, if you avoid this pitfalls.
Hytham Shehab
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Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> If you're using it to force the language of the page, no. Use the
> browser specification instead.
thanks v. much for that Randal, but *how* ?
how i can use the browser specification?
Hytham Shehab
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$ua->credentials('http://topgun/','By Invitation Only','hatem','ht');
$res = $ua->request($req,$file);
print $$res{'_rc'};
now, when i run it, it prints out 401
thats it.
Hytham Shehab
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hi guys,
how could i get a page - using lwp - when this is page have a
credenitals lookup, it keep sends me 401 status code, but i don't know how
to pass the user/pass to this page.
any idea?
thanks in advance.
Hytham Shehab
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hello there,
is any body in there?
hey guys, whats the matter with you?
1 day, 24 HOURS, with only a couple of messages?
hope you are just fine.
Hytham Shehab
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hi guys,
how can i pass the 401 Unauthorized request so a message with a
username/password show up to the user?
i tried out cgi::authentification and the print "WWW-Authic \n\n" but no
thanks in advance
Hytham Shehab
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well, Janek, my q is simple:
is IE6 is server-push capable?
if yes, then whats the wrong with my script?
if not, ok, thanks for the information.
thats it
Hytham Shehab
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nt $end_of_data;
sub open_and_display_png
local ($file) = @_;
local ($content_length);
if ( (open (FILE, "<" . $file)) ) {
$content_length = (stat (FILE))[7];
print "Content-type: image/png", "\n";
print "Content-length: ", $content_length,
describe how to implement Apache::Session, i mean, whats the use
of that module if i could generate a session id with md5?
btw, whats the %self is?
Hytham Shehab
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valid, also it seems to be mentaly
valid, its not for mysql.
Hytham Shehab
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a bind parameter:
$sort = 'asc';
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select student_name from students order by first_name
thx v. much
Hytham Shehab
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am i clear know?
thx v. much for ur concern
Hytham Shehab
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hi guys,
how can i access the keyword section of any web page?
Hytham Shehab
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by 'big' group by 'zip'".
is it possible?
Hytham Shehab
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'big' group by 'zip'".
is it possible?
Hytham Shehab
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thx very much
Hytham Shehab
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thx very much
Hytham Shehab
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hi all of you,
how can i create a session using win32 system, on linux, there is a
session module out there - aspn and cpan - but am searching about such one
for win32 but i didn't find.
can anyone tell me how to manage session through win32.
Hytham Shehab
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hi Luis,
i think u may delete his cookie that u propably set, i think CGI wll be
just fine.
Hytham Shehab
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with activeperl
now? its really more organized than the original perl and have a good
documentation also.
thanks a lot yahoo.
Hytham Shehab
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thanks joel,
but i try to see the available drivers with @x=DBI->available_drivers;
it gives me Example and Proxy, with no sign of MySQL - mysql is installed
and working properly with other version of perl, ie perl from perl.com - so
what is the problem.
thanks in advance.
Hytham She
hi guys,
how can i do it in win32?
Hytham Shehab
i use perl from ActivePerl, but i don't find any DBI module, how can i access
MySQL database useing ActivePerl then?
Hytham Shehab
i see in most PHP powered sites values like SID=02304028lkbah234, which is the
session id in most cases, is there any way to do the same in PERL?
Hytham Shehab
hi guys,
I used to make files on RH 7.2, but how i do the same on XP??
Hytham Shehab
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hi gurus,
well, can any body give me where to read about this topic?
Hi gurus,
Am working on a script to generate a sequence of GIFs in an tag, when i run this
script from dos, it works OK and generate the appropriate headers, but when running
under a web page - hosted by Apache v 1.3 on XP - it doesn't do anything, and i use
CGI::Carp(fatalsToBrowser); but it
print $q->header(-status=>$q->cgi_error);
exit 0;
print FILE $buffer;
Hytham Shehab
e && $q->cgi_error)
print $q->header(-status=>$q->cgi_error);
exit 0;
open(FILE, ">/home/eHytham/public_html/upload.it");
binmode STDOUT;
binmode FILE;
print FILE $buffer;
I use my linux mandrak 7 as my client/server, this might be the problem?
Hytham Shehab
he directory that
should be located in after uploading, but no good, if any can help, it will
be just fine.
Hytham Shehab
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