while('[EMAIL PROTECTED]'){ 
    if('Internet_Explorer_6'  !=  'server push'){
        $question_r = 'how to push animated images in that browser?';
    elsif {
        $question_r = 'why my script didn't work?';
    else {
        undef('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
        die "why you are here in the first place";    
print "i got a simple question for you, $question_r";
die "thanks in advance";

$| = 1;
$webmaster = "shishir\@bu\.edu";
$boundary_string = "\n" . "--End" . "\n";
$end_of_data = "\n" . "--End--" . "\n";
$delay_time = 1;
@image_list = ( "image_1.png", 
"image_5.png" );
$browser = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};
print "Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=End", "\n";
for ($loop=0; $loop < scalar (@image_list); $loop++) {
&open_and_display_png ($image_list[$loop]);
print $boundary_string;
sleep ($delay_time);
print $end_of_data;


sub open_and_display_png
local ($file) = @_;
local ($content_length);
if ( (open (FILE, "<" . $file)) ) {
$content_length = (stat (FILE))[7];
print "Content-type: image/png", "\n";
print "Content-length: ", $content_length, "\n\n";
binmode FILE;
print <FILE>;
close (FILE);
} else {
#&return_error (500, "File Access Error", 
print "Cannot open graphic file $file!";

Hytham Shehab
btw, i know, there is more perlish way to write this.

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