On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 02:04 AM, Alejandro Chavarria -
CyPage wrote:
I am writing a perl CGI script on a remote server that is supposed to
do the
1. Have the user sign in with a username and password.
2. Allow the user to add News Stories in which that input is tak
On Sunday, September 7, 2003, at 08:31 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
perldoc -f chmod
It isn't working.
$cnt=chmod 0644 'textfile.txt';
after running, textfile.txt is still -rw-rw-rw-
Is this command possible as the WWW user when running the CGI?
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On Sunday, September 7, 2003, at 08:31 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
perldoc -f chmod
Thanks for that, checked it on the web as I didn't get an entry on my
local perldoc (which is why I asked here!
Is that new to 5.8? I'm on 5.6, the target server is 5.3.
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You have left out some details, but from what I read above, this is
not a
perl issue.
To clarify, you have a perl script that creates a text file. You then
open a
browser that downloads a Java applet from a remote server. You want
applet to read the local file. Correct?
If so, then everyt
Hi All,
I have a script which, amazingly, is doing exactly what it is supposed
to do. It is taking user input, processing it and, over several
iterations of the script, building a text file on the server. The text
file itself is used as the input to a Java applet.
All works fine on my local ma
You may have better luck in the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list since OS X likes
to do all kinds of weird things with its Perl, and with regards to
DBI/DBD in [EMAIL PROTECTED] Typically removing a Perl module is
not as easy as installing them, removing the associated files is only
one step...
Sorry I
This may be the wrong forum to ask this...
How do I uninstall a module downloaded from CPAN? Specifically, I
cannot get the DBD::MySQL driver to install under OS X. It refuses to
find the mysql_config file, and when I run Makefile again with the -L
and -I switches it won't work after install.
It seems like it should be secure. I am assuming the "session cookie"
would store the server's public key? or some such? My question would
be how do you implement an RC4 encryption (or any encryption other
than the built-in SSL) on the client side? Possibly a Java applet with
the encryption bu
On Friday, August 22, 2003, at 05:43 PM, zentara wrote:
On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 05:48:14 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Greenhalgh David) wrote:
Hi All,
I need to implement a form that is submitted securely. My client does
not have access to SSL on his host. I was thinking in terms of a
session cookie
Hi All,
I need to implement a form that is submitted securely. My client does
not have access to SSL on his host. I was thinking in terms of a
session cookie with a client side RC4 encrypt and a decrypt in the Perl
script. Do peoople here consider that to be a secure scenario, or is
there anot
A quick question about a while loop.
I have a simple code that searches database for all entries and puts
one of the fields into a select box on the output page. However, due to
a mistake in my untaint routine (which I've fixed) if a visitor entered
their name in Japanese characters, the entry
eBay, Thanks. I learnt something there.
Equally, thanks to Bob, nice solution which I also didn't know.
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If I am reading this correctly (which I am probably not!) you need
another foreach loop in there somewhere. When you compare $file with
$lines, you are trying to compare the contents of @temp. I think you
need to wrap your comparison with a foreach loop:
foreach $file (sort readdir (DH)) {
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';
use DBI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
# Simulate a param call in CGI
my $player="HarryPotter";
# Connect to the database
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:ladderDB", "", "xx");
# Make an update that is representative of t
On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 01:19 pm, Bob Showalter wrote:
Greenhalgh David wrote:
In other words, my SELECT block is returning the value of available as
it was before the UPDATE, even though I have AutoCommit set to 1, the
UPDATE is called before the SELECT and manual investigation of the
Begin forwarded message:
From: Greenhalgh David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon Jul 7, 2003 5:17:33 pm Europe/London
Subject: Re: Working with DBI
On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 01:12 pm, Craig Dean wrote:
On Sunday 06 July 2003 02:14 pm, Gree
On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 01:12 pm, Craig Dean wrote:
On Sunday 06 July 2003 02:14 pm, Greenhalgh David wrote:
If you are assigning the value of the field "available" to a variable
you should kill or delete that variable (CGI::delete) before you are
able to
assign a new value to
If you are assigning the value of the field "available" to a variable
you should kill or delete that variable (CGI::delete) before you are
able to
assign a new value to it.
No, I'm not assigning the value of available to a previously used
variable. For safety's sake, I am reading
I should have mentioned that the connect call uses AutoCommit like this:
my $dbh=DBI->connect(DBD:mysql:databasename, "username",
"userpassword", {AutoCommit =>1});
Hi All,
I have a script that updates a value in a table using
$handle=$dbh->do(UPDATE league SET available=DATE_ADD(NOW() INTERV
Hi All,
I have a script that updates a value in a table using
$handle=$dbh->do(UPDATE league SET available=DATE_ADD(NOW() INTERVAL
$offset DAY);
The script then reads the value of "available" using a
prepare/execute/fetchrow statement.
The script then needs to e-mail the new value of the
On Saturday, July 5, 2003, at 10:12 pm, Alexander Blüm wrote:
I'm writing a database frontend based on perl-CGI.
Each query is being cached in a file with the current session-ID. The
reason for this doing is that some queries do take a very long time to
Bare in mind that I am still a beginner at coding. Why is it "good
practice" to create an object when using CGI, rather than just diving
For example:
use CGI ':standard';
my $q=new CGI;
my $input=$q->param('input');
use CGI ':standard';
my $input=param('input');
both put the contents o
Can anyone please point me at mailing list or forum for HTML? I need to
find out why IE on Windows XP is failing to read basic HTML (as in View
Source shows it completely ignores two (and only two) img src tags on a
page everything else reads properly.)
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Hi all,
Quick question. Is data read in from a MySQL table considered tainted?
Also do I need to untaint a variable that is included in the body of an
The email structure is addresses from the mySQL table (untainted when
the data is stored) and data which could, if someone really wanted
Comments in perl begin with #, not <
Perl probably thinks you're referring to a
file handle in angle brackets.
Sorry, this is me using my own shorthand, everything is correctly #'d
in the code.
: sub error {
: if ($_[0]=1) {
'=' is an assignment operator. You
On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 02:10 am, Annie wrote:
no i want to ask what if someone enters a firstname and last name
which doesnot exist in the database...in that case how i can verify
and print an error msg that the data doesnot exist for this first name
and last name.
Well a fairly simp
Am I understanding you correctly? Your form only has two fields,
lastname and firstname?
In that case SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE lastname = '$a2' AND
firstname = '$a1'
works on the command line. (Wasn't sure if you could use the AND like
that, but it seems you can) so all you need to do is
[1] For fun, you may wish to get into the
and build a small 'browser' to 'fetch web pages' since that may
help understand the 'advantages' and disadvantages of page fetching...
I see prospects for sleep disappearing into fluffy pink sunsets...must
check the difference betwee
you will still need to deal with 'targets'
so you will need to know when you want
since you are repainting all of the window,
and when you want
so that something clicked in the vertical navigation
will show up in the MainBody Section...
Yes, happy with those as a
On Sunday, June 8, 2003, at 05:12 pm, Greenhalgh David wrote:
Each directory then has at least
a. index.cgi
b. Vert_nav managing cgi
c. Main_data managing cgi
and other pieces of CGI code that are the worker bee's
for that level of the problem
Each directory then has at least
a. index.cgi
b. Vert_nav managing cgi
c. Main_data managing cgi
and other pieces of CGI code that are the worker bee's
for that level of the problem
You guys are going to have to send me invoices at this rate!
Hi all,
Searched the archives for an answer to this, but nothing seems to
answer the right question.
My basic page has three frames. The top frame contains global
navigation and never changes. The left frame (side.html,
name=leftFrame) contains a "console" for want of a better word. The
On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 11:20 pm, drieux wrote:
On Thursday, Jun 5, 2003, at 14:33 US/Pacific, Greenhalgh David wrote:
My thanks to both of you. The explanation was clear even to me,
much better than the book i am using to learn perl.
which book are you trying to learn from
On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 09:46 pm, drieux wrote:
On Thursday, Jun 5, 2003, at 13:34 US/Pacific, Kristofer Hoch wrote:
This is possibly the best answer. I won't give any
why thank you.
there are basically two reasons that one should
be playing with 'just perl stuff' -
Thanks Scott,
So %hashref now has the modified list of priorities with the task_ID as
the key.
I think I'm beginning to get the hang of this...
I do have use DBI in the code (clipped it by accident when I extracted
the segment) but you are quite right about me missing the the
= $rows;
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper $response;
--- Greenhalgh David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi all,
I have a script which mostly works, but when I get
to the part with
hashes, it stops. I'm obviously doing something very
Hi all,
I have a script which mostly works, but when I get to the part with
hashes, it stops. I'm obviously doing something very basically wrong,
but I can't see what. (been staring at so long it could be anything.) A
segment of the code is below:
#!/usr/local/perl -wT
use strict;
use CGI;
# D
Hi all,
A more CGI question this time.
The website I have found myself responsible for needs to be bi-lingual,
English and Japanese. My problem is, how do I persuade the CGI to
output in Japanese characters?
Can I use:
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
print "Character-Set: shift-jis\n\n";
The second one. (Except if you delete the largest number(s); they will
be reused.)
Second question. If I use the following:
my $query="CURDATE()";
my $sth->prepare($query);
I understand that $sth now just contains the reference to the result
of the query. Where is the value of the q
Hi all,
I just came across this list's archives getting the answer to a
problem. Now I have my own questions to ask!
This is more of a MySQL question than a cgi one, with luck someone will
know the answer. I am managing a database from a set of cgi's, each
entry in the database has an ID defin
40 matches
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