Below is the code i'm using to filter out non alphanumeric charecters... however when
i type
yeilds this:
The ?!$ should be stripped away and come back empty, not
ANY ideas as to what I'm doing wrong???
I'm asking for an email address.
my $eaddress = "";
I try to avoid the Fisher-Price of webservers and I think the line
is needed for Apache on NT. Maybe it can be configured in mime-types
or something in Apache, though there is probably a reason it's not
by default.
At Monday, 28 January 2002, "Robert Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot
Hi all,
I've been working on a couple of CGI programs that have
reasonably complex menu interfaces. I'm getting tired
of passing state via hidden fields and urls but I don't
want to depend on cookies. I'm thinking the solution
is a server side solution that creates a session ID that
can be pass
Clive, you must be new to all this! I haven't seen a flame on this list
since I started reading it, and that has been a few months.
The reference to perldoc is not the same as "RTFM". Perldoc is a
part of the perl package. The perldoc files are well written and
generally have some
>I think the line
>>is needed for Apache on NT. Maybe it can be configured in mime-types
>I've been told that at minimum
>is needed for Apache on Win NT
>unless you change the Apache configuration
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Unless I am mistaken, on windows machines, it doesn't really matter where
the #!/usr/local/bin/perl line goes. As long as your have the file
associations set and tell the IIS server how to handle files with the
extension of .pl, you don't need it at all.
R.A. Howard
-Original Message-
At 07:03 PM 1/27/02 +, you wrote:
> I'm looking to start in perl, and coming from assembly on pic chips,
>this is all greek to me.
I was a PL/1 and mainframe assembler programmer and know what you mean.
Perl is tough to get started on, although I think they all are w/