Re: [Bacula-users] restoring file to a logical volume

2006-09-27 Thread jeabacula
Hi Arno, I read these mails but it's not help me, I thnik I'm doing something wrong but I don't know what thanks lordjea - Original Message - From: "Arno Lehmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "bacula lista" Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 9:31 PM Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] restoring file

Re: [Bacula-users] restoring file to a logical volume

2006-09-27 Thread jeabacula
Hi, after try restore the file with error, I try to mount the filesystem on the lvm, it show me an error. I think my trouble it's on the way that I do the backup, I will explain you: #1-take a snapshot with: lvcreate --snapshot -L 1G --name backup-root vg-uml-008/root #2-then run the job: Client

Re: [Bacula-users] problem after upgrade from 1.38.9 to 1.38.11

2006-09-29 Thread jeabacula
Hi guys, thanks your help, I've been added SD_USER=bacula SD_GROUP=tape in "bacula-ctl-sd" and everything it's fine Jea - Original Message - From: "Martin Simmons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:41 PM Subject:

[Bacula-users] what's the best way to do backup for a logical volume (LVM)

2006-09-29 Thread jeabacula
Hi gentlemen, I tried before to do things that could not be the best way to backup my logical volume. The problem: I have many logical volumes from machines that could not be sttoped, then I had two idea The alternatives: 1- to do a backup for whole RAW partition making a snapshot (lvcreate --

Re: [Bacula-users] what's the best way to do backup for a logical volume (LVM)

2006-09-29 Thread jeabacula
Hi, I'm trying as you told me. The bacula it's backing up whole logical volume with the config: Client { Name = wrack-fd Address = Catalog = Catalogo Password = "seknmit5fwllkjh3g78klwuethñkw4nk645tig" } Job { Name = "wrack" Client = "wrack-fd" FileSet = "RawParti

[Bacula-users] electrical cut during a job

2006-11-13 Thread jeabacula
Hi List, I have a trouble with bacula Last night when backup was being executed, suddenly there was an electrical cut. Bacula stopped and I don't not know how to continue doing backup with that tape. The error when I try to run a job it's: 13-nov 12:53 doom-sd: PCD-05.2006-11-13_12.49.42 Error

Re: [Bacula-users] Res: electrical cut during a job

2006-11-13 Thread jeabacula
Thanks to all for your help guys my bacula it's running again, but I have a question: bacula sensible to the electrical cuts, as much as to make lose the data of a tape? Thanks again JeAn - Original Message - From: "Georger Araujo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Monday, November 13,

Re: [Bacula-users] Res: electrical cut during a job

2006-11-15 Thread jeabacula
Thanks, ask for the purchase of a UPS for our servers, at the moment the one who we have it's damaged. JeAn - Original Message - From: "Kern Sibbald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 8:52 PM Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Res: electrical cut during a job On Monda

[Bacula-users] graphical interface for bacula

2007-01-04 Thread jeabacula
Hi, someone know if there is a graphical interface for bacula, easy to use for the backup operators? I talk about to that it can allow to run a job, to edit the schedule, and to do restore Thanks for your comments JeA

[Bacula-users] jobid duplicate, bacula client wrong

2007-07-17 Thread jeabacula
Hi, I have bacula 2.0.3 on a debian, I installed it on january of this year Recently, on one of my server I see an error on the bacula client of "my2k3" server (windows 2003 server) I campared the jobs of bacula-dir against bacula-client you know... stat dir...stat client "my2k3-fd". The result d

[Bacula-users] how to increase write bandwith of bacula

2007-07-17 Thread jeabacula
Hi, my bacula client it's on a laptop with debian etch. My tape has a write bandwidth of 80mb/s, my wireless network goes to 11mbps, and my bacula-client do a backup with 361.4 KB/s of rate how to increase the bandwidth ? another example my servers have a gigabit, and my bacula do a backup with a