Hi, after try restore the file with error, I try to mount the filesystem on 
the lvm, it show me an error.

I think my trouble it's on the way that I do the backup, I will explain you:
#1-take a snapshot with:
lvcreate --snapshot -L 1G --name backup-root vg-uml-008/root
#2-then run the job:
Client {
  Name = wrack-fd
  Address = wrack.mydomain.com
  Catalog = Catalogo
  Password = "kwhefwl9t34tn2467g9oo"
Job {
  Name = "wrack"
  Client = "wrack-fd"
  #FileSet = "Full UML"
  FileSet = "RawPartition"
  Write Bootstrap = "/usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/wrack.bsr"
  #JobDefs = "Default Servers"
  JobDefs = "Raw Servers"

#The file set
FileSet {
  Name = "RawPartition"
  Include {
    Options { signature=MD5; sparse=yes }
    File = /dev/mapper/vg--uml--008-backup--root
    #File = /home/jzam/mkfs/mnt-tmp

#the jobdefs
JobDefs {
  Name = "Raw Servers"
  Type = Backup
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycleRawServer"
  Messages = Standard
  Storage = Tape
  Pool = Default
  Priority = 10

3# the backup with no error
#At the begening the backup do with no error, I tried again with the same 

27-sep 01:05 doom-dir: Start Backup JobId 662, Job=wrack.2006-09-27_01.05.00
27-sep 01:20 doom-dir: Bacula 1.38.9 (02May06): 27-sep-2006 01:20:12
  JobId:                  662
  Job:                    wrack.2006-09-27_01.05.00
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 "wrack-fd" i686-pc-linux-gnu,debian,3.1
  FileSet:                "RawPartition" 2006-09-20 17:10:37
  Pool:                   "Default"
  Storage:                "Tape"
  Scheduled time:         27-sep-2006 01:05:00
  Start time:             27-sep-2006 01:05:04
  End time:               27-sep-2006 01:20:12
  Elapsed time:           15 mins 8 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       1
  SD Files Written:       1
  FD Bytes Written:       1,073,871,504 (1.073 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       1,062,273,164 (1.062 GB)
  Rate:                   1182,7 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Volume name(s):         Backups1-dataware
  Volume Session Id:      15
  Volume Session Time:    1159280556
  Last Volume Bytes:      222,551,069,894 (222.5 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

27-sep 01:20 doom-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
27-sep 01:20 doom-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
27-sep 01:20 doom-dir: Begin pruning Files.
27-sep 01:20 doom-dir: No Files found to prune.
27-sep 01:20 doom-dir: End auto prune.

4# then the file it's backed up, I delete de logical volume to try to 
restore it and verify the file it's ok.
lvremove /dev/vg-uml-008/backup-root -f

5# I delete the file because it was a snapshot, to retore it I need a empty 
logical volume in the same group
lvcreate --size 1G --name backup-root vg-uml-008
#the logical volume it's not mounted

6# then I run the restore job, some time later I look the error message 
before showed

7# I try to mount the filesystem, Then I look an error

8# I don't know what I'm doing wrong

thanks a lot

----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Drescher
To: lordjea
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] restoring file to a logical volume

On 9/26/06, lordjea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to restore a file with to a logical volume /dev/mappe
r/vg--uml--008-backup--root, I can't understand what happening


26-sep 19:05 wrack-fd: Restore_Particiones_RAW.2006-09-26_16.55.44 Error: 
attribs.c:337 File size of restored file /dev/mappe
r/vg--uml--008-backup--root not correct. Original 0, restored 1073741824.
26-sep 17:11 doom-dir: Restore_Particiones_RAW.2006-09-26_16.55.44 Error: 
Bacula 1.38.9 (02May06): 26-sep-2006 17:11:20
  JobId:                  649
  Job:                    Restore_Particiones_RAW.2006-09-26_16.55.44
  Client:                 wrack-fd
  Start time:             26-sep-2006 16:55:46
  End time:               26-sep-2006 17:11:20
  Files Expected:         1
  Files Restored:         1
  Bytes Restored:         1,070,530,936
  Rate:                   1146,2 KB/s
  FD Errors:              1
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            *** Restore Error ***
26-sep 17:11 doom-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
26-sep 17:11 doom-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
26-sep 17:11 doom-dir: Begin pruning Files.
26-sep 17:11 doom-dir: No Files found to prune.
26-sep 17:11 doom-dir: End auto prune.

Did you try mounting the filesystem on the lvm after this command? I am 
assuming that there was some type of error in the recording of the filesize 
(during the backup) as I know you did not backup a 0 byte file and then try 
to restore it!


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