I'm using Bacula 2.4.4 (Director and File Daemons all Debian Lenny) and
trying to run a job of type "Admin" with "Client Run Before Job" (or
equivalent "RunScript {}").
The job completes with errors no, but no "Command" gets executed:
16-Jun 08:25 megrez-dir JobId 14774: Start Admin JobId 14774,
On Friday 25 January 2008 13.48:06 Alexander Kolesnik wrote:
> Hi Kern,
> > The "wrapper" script is machine dependent, but if you look at the manual
> > as I suggested, you will see an example of doing it inline on the
> > RunxxxScript command -- you simply insert a call to the shell, BUT you
> >
On Friday 18 January 2008 10.38:38 Alexander Kolesnik wrote:
> Hello Kern,
> > Bacula runs the *program* that you specify. In your command, you are
> > using
> *shell* commands (>>) and the OS does not know how to interpret shell
> > commands. So if you want to use shell commands (as you di
Bacula runs the *program* that you specify. In your command, you are using
*shell* commands (>) and the OS does not know how to interpret shell
commands. So if you want to use shell commands (as you did), you must run a
shell or a shell script. With the Bacula Run scripts, you are tal