Thanks for the replies. I got what I needed. Thanks for the help :)
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Sent from the Bacula - Users mailing list archive at
Is there a way to show the jobids of a specific client in bconsole without
showing every single jobid available? We backup a ton of servers and it is
helpful to be able to specify the specific jobids of one client at a time
rather than evey single one.
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Just comment out the jobs in jobs.conf and it will not do those backups.
Make sure to either reload bacula or stop/restart bacula to make the
configuration changes stick. Then just uncomment the jobs when yo are done
with what you need to do and restart bacula again.
iana wrote:
> Hi,
work? I was able to get a complete filesystem restore to run but
> couldn't make the server boot into that restored windows after that.
>> From: Quibble
>> To:
>> Hi,
>> I have been doing bare metal res
I have been doing bare metal restores, using bacula, of NT boxes, 2000
boxes, and 2003 boxes with some success. At this point, one of the
roadblocks is the speed of restores. Some restores reach 24 MB/s , while
others only reach around 1 MB/s. Using the backups from one particular box