stat client = 504serv-fd
Select Client (File daemon) resource (1-7):
504serv-fd Version: 6.0.6 (30 September 2012) VSS Linux Cross-compile Win64
Daemon started 18-Jul-13 12:17. Jobs: run=6 running=0.
Microsoft Standard Edition (build 9200), 64-bit
Heap: heap=0 smbytes=117,688 max_bytes=387,477
>> 23-Jul 01:03 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 7, drive
>> 0", status is OK.
>> 23-Jul 01:04 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: Error:
>> /home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/stored/block.c:318 Volume data error at
>> 0:0!
>> Block checksum mismatch in block=0 len=200: calc=4b2b65bc blk=2c508db9
2013/7/23 Markus Rosjat
> HEy there,
> I have a problem with a scheduled job that I run, the requested Tape
> is in the loader and gets mounted but I get a Volume Data Error and
> Bacula tells me to mount the Tape or label a new one. Im pretty lost
> with that behaviour, I canceled th