Ralf Gross schrieb:
> > > How can I get information about how often a tape drive started/stopped
> > > writing to tape? Is there a way to monitor the throughput of the SCSI
> > > interface to the drive?
> >
> > On FreeBSD, I'd tell you to look at iostat. Output looks something
> > like this:
> >
05.10.2007 22:39,, GDS.Marshall wrote::
> In-Reply-To=46DFBF2F.6040304%40its-lehmann.de
> Hi,
> 06.09.2007 09:22,, Ruben Lopez wrote::
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any way of knowing the progress of one backup?
>> Yes... try 'sta sd=' and 'sta
>> client=' in a console.
>>> I mean so
05.10.2007 17:13,, Viktor Radnai wrote::
> Hi all,
> I was thinking about the best way to keep a backup of my director
> configuration ready on a client machine, and decided that it would be
> the easiest if I scheduled a nightly restore job for the catalog and
> the config files, bootst
05.10.2007 16:19,, Gabriele Bulfon wrote::
> Hi, I recently upgraded to Bacula 2.2.2 on my Solaris 10 installation to
> benefit from the Batch insert feature.
You should upgrade to 2.2.4 - one rather serious bug is still present
in 2.2.2. IIRC, of course.
> I installed the mysql thread
I was still trying to figure out how to gain more performance on my T2000
So I checked the performance issues stated on the documentation, both about
postgres and mysql.
I use mysql, and the indexes are shown like this:
mysql> show index from File;
Dan Langille schrieb:
> On 6 Oct 2007 at 10:41, Ralf Gross wrote:
> > How can I get information about how often a tape drive started/stopped
> > writing to tape? Is there a way to monitor the throughput of the SCSI
> > interface to the drive?
> On FreeBSD, I'd tell you to look at iostat. Out
On 6 Oct 2007 at 10:41, Ralf Gross wrote:
> How can I get information about how often a tape drive started/stopped
> writing to tape? Is there a way to monitor the throughput of the SCSI
> interface to the drive?
On FreeBSD, I'd tell you to look at iostat. Output looks something
like this:
$ i
is there a way to see if a tape/drive is shoe-shining? I've backup
jobs that will run for several days, with spooling it will take even
I tried to backup with and without spooling, both jobs wrote with
~75 MB/s to the tape. But I can't say if there were short periods of
time where the
06.10.2007 00:21,, Ross Boylan wrote::
> Here are the results after moving the postgres database to another disk:
> Initial jobs were like the ones at the end of my earlier report,
> involving the directories with c 4,000 files.
> 93 seconds first try (277kb/s)
> 20 seconds 2nd try (1679kb/