> "Bob" == Bob Friesenhahn writes:
Bob> I think that we should have respect for the author's
Bob> dog. Disrespecting the author's dog is not far from disrespecting the
Bob> author.
Haha, well my memory of my dog is why I'd rather keep the text. It's
fine to disrespect me, but not Maude -- s
I think that we should have respect for the author's dog.
Disrespecting the author's dog is not far from disrespecting the
Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
Tom Tromey writes:
>> "Jonas" == Jonas Thiem writes:
> Jonas> Disclaimer: I haven't read this part of the docs myself. But for what
> Jonas> it's worth, I think Maude looks a bit like a misspelling of Make and
> Jonas> doesn't stick out that well, compared to "exampleprog" or something.
> "Jonas" == Jonas Thiem writes:
Jonas> Disclaimer: I haven't read this part of the docs myself. But for what
Jonas> it's worth, I think Maude looks a bit like a misspelling of Make and
Jonas> doesn't stick out that well, compared to "exampleprog" or something.
One such section starts:
We are pleased to announce the GNU Automake 1.16 minor release.
This release follows 1.15.1 which was made 8 months ago.
See below for the detailed list of changes since the
previous version, as summarized by the NEWS file.
Download here:
On 02/25/2018 06:20 PM, Tom Tromey wrote:
>> "Kang-Che" == Kang-Che Sung writes:
> Kang-Che> And I really wonder one thing: Why these obscure name had been
> Kang-Che> chosen, instead of having a name like "myprog", "foo" or
> Kang-Che> "fooprog" that is more obvious as a placeholder?
> "Kang-Che" == Kang-Che Sung writes:
Kang-Che> And I really wonder one thing: Why these obscure name had been
Kang-Che> chosen, instead of having a name like "myprog", "foo" or
Kang-Che> "fooprog" that is more obvious as a placeholder?
It's easily distinguished from any ordinary text and I
In Automake manual, I see several places where it uses "maude" or "mumble"
example name of program, even in the Indices section. And I really wonder
thing: Why these obscure name had been chosen, instead of having a name like
"myprog", "foo" or "fooprog" that is more obvious as a placeholde